

— jimcrichton Report User
None where I live :( 40 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I call them glow-butt-fly-bugs.
"What are those things"?!? 12 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
They HAVE heard of zombies in "Shaun of the Dead". Shaun just doesn't want to call them that.
"Don't say that!" "What?" "The Z word, don't say it." "Why?" "Because it's ridiculous."
True story 16 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I was being attacked both verbally and physically for about a year by this kid. He would also destroy or steal my property. I talked to him, I talked to his parents, I had my parents talk to his parents... nothing seemed to stop him. So eventually my parents gave their blessing for me to kick his ass. And I did, on my parent's own property (a corner lot where the bus stop was). Someone saw and reported it to the school, we were both suspended for 5 days. He never bothered me again though.
My parents contested the suspension saying the school had no jurisdiction. The school said that since we had not entered our homes and come back out, that they were still responsible. Mom said, "Ok, so if he gets off the bus and breaks his leg before he gets to the door. You're saying you'd be responsible for that too?" School, "Well, no... *insert weaseling out here*" Dicks.
Long range wireless charging 13 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Don't click it. I don't know where I am.
Nice way to paint your concrete-truck 4 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. The term cement can also be properly applied to many adhesives.
Dirty lyric. 4 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Being a professor is not easy 11 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I made a game of trying to ask questions that the professors couldn't answer.
You know you are getting old when 22 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I used to put vinegar and baking soda in them and then wait for them to pop open.
White people? Or phobic security? 13 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
The dose probably isn't high enough for one trip through to significantly increase the risk. That being said, it's still stupid and unnecessary.
Nice way to paint your concrete-truck 4 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Trippy. (Also thanks for calling it a concrete truck. "One builds with concrete, cement is glue.")
Bunk bed cats 3 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
What's amazing is that they stayed in them long enough to take a picture.
True story 16 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I had that happen to me several times, tylerchu.
"make your wish and move along mortal." 8 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I meant more because toilet frogs in general are a fairly common occurrence there.
Laughed more than I should have 6 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
What about a double bass? That would be even harder to pull off.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of Ireland 8 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
At first I thought that was supposed to be the first Doctor.
"make your wish and move along mortal." 8 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I'm guessing this picture is from somewhere in Australia near or in the outback.
Technology 5 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Dem horns though
Girl calls out obama for not commenting on murdered cops 18 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Apparently if it's not on social media, it doesn't exist. (at least to this girl)
Kids today will never know 30 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
Me too! ...and for a whole mess of palindromic dates
Murica spends most of it's yeas at war 65 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
But WWII was the last time the US declared war on another whole nation. Wars aren't between nations anymore, they are against smaller militant factions.
This sniper prank is possibly the cruelest prank in human history 9 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
That is SO Evil! Can you imagine? They might have been thinking that perhaps they were really dying and their brain was allowing them to believe that they were still screaming but the people couldn't actually hear them or see them moving.
These are terrible 12 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I'd do it too.
These are terrible 12 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
I drank OJ after brushing for years. It's actually better for your teeth that way. You don't want to go rubbing abrasive on your teeth after you just got done weakening the enamel with acid. Gotta give 'em time to re-calcify from the calcium in your saliva.
The Doctor & Clara rock out at The Beatles' Abbey Road Crossing 19 comments
jimcrichton · 9 years ago
IDK WHY... I just know how I feel. I mean, she's alright. She's not insufferable, but I'm ready for a change. (Also, I was pretty offended by the way she rejected 12 at first. Especially since she's seen all his other regenerations and knows damn well that they're all him.)