The last special day 2 comments
· 7 years ago
That all depends on how you define "adult" doesn't it?
Freedom, but try to consume Vodka before the age of 21 and see how truly free you are 16 comments
· 7 years ago
There's a damned good reason to not drink before 21, or before 25 really. The brain isn't truly finished developing until roughly 25 years of age, and you do NOT want to F that up. That being said, I believe that it is not the job of the government to protect you from yourself.
No new me 5 comments
Police in Iran unable to arrest women breaking hijab dress code 19 comments
· 7 years ago
This is great news! Now if we can just keep the populace itself from killing women for violating the dress code...
Face ID is visible when you take a picture 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I think this is actually an artist's impression of the phenomenon. Because, even if you were in a very foggy room I don't think you'd be able to get this sort of picture where you can "see the beam".
Anyhow, when I've used digital cameras to look for near-IR it has always registered as white, or maybe slightly blue-ish on the display. Why? I'm not certain, but I suspect that's just how the computer interprets the particular voltage that IR produces in the tiny CCD capacitor elements.
Anyhow, when I've used digital cameras to look for near-IR it has always registered as white, or maybe slightly blue-ish on the display. Why? I'm not certain, but I suspect that's just how the computer interprets the particular voltage that IR produces in the tiny CCD capacitor elements.
Face ID is visible when you take a picture 5 comments
· 7 years ago
The Face ID is an active infrared scan. Most CCDs (digital camera detectors) are sensitive to near-IR, and the IR filters are not perfect so you can see near-IR emitters with most digital cameras.
What's really fun is to take a cheap camera and replace the IR filter with a visible light filter and then the camera ONLY sees in near-IR.
What's really fun is to take a cheap camera and replace the IR filter with a visible light filter and then the camera ONLY sees in near-IR.
The game changes a man 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Communists and socialists don't actually care about the poor, they just hate successful people.
Locating an alternate dimension 4 comments
Savage chem professor 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I used to TA for Organic Chem. I had a lot of pre-med students, and a lot of their answers made me worry about the future of medicine.
For every woman 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Mostly from "and things" ie. dead plankton, the chances of it actually containing material originating from dead dinosaur are pretty low.
Spooky. 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Somebody at the Manhattan Project must have needed help from Tesla, and then Tesla found out what for.
Careful of the Mac 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I had to look it up:
Duloxetine = SNRI (Cymbalta)
Fluoxetine = SSRI (Prozac)
Similar applications, but still majorly unsafe to confuse the two.
Duloxetine = SNRI (Cymbalta)
Fluoxetine = SSRI (Prozac)
Similar applications, but still majorly unsafe to confuse the two.
Correct choice of words :) 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Andy is just the best character ever. He's like, if a dog were in human form.
Well well well...That's a lot 3 comments
You're living in heaven 22 comments
I like being me 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Worry not, it's definitely a programmed response. The Google geeks love to put Easter eggs like that into their code.
Boy is a hero 5 comments
· 7 years ago
What's this about a clicker? I'm confused, was this a lecture or a test?
I've just realize that a 9V battery is an arrangement of 6 AAA (1.5V each) batteries 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Not all 9V batteries are like that. I've taken apart plenty of them and some are a vertical stack of flat cells.