J.m. Vail


J.m. Vail Report User
History shall not repeat itself 20 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Okay fair enough I see your point of view.
· Edited 6 years ago
History shall not repeat itself 20 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Both had humans who knowingly jumped over the fence into a potentially dangerous animal's habitat...sounds similar to me. Thank goodness for the jaguar
This is why some animated movies should just be left alone 21 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
All the remakes are shit it's killing me how much people like them
When you leave the UK to join ISIS but then they start losing 3 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
I hope they don't let her back in. This bitch made her bed now she gets to lie in it
No. No. No 14 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
These live action remakes are all shit anyway
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
PETA kills more animals than they save! They've stolen dogs from people who have NOT been deemed abusive! They have openly said they'd rather have an animal dead than taken care of by humans. Wtf is wrong with you!?!? If you love animals there are much better places to donate. Your local animal shelter. The World Wildlife Foundation. The Nature Conservancy
Drumph 18 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Regardless of the legal ramifications it is a really immature and just plain stupid thing to say
· Edited 6 years ago
Drumph 18 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Discrimination covers political opinions so this IS discrimination. And it's childish
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
It's not like PETA hasn't crossed lines before.
What's a "unique" name someone you know has given a child? 8 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Not just white people. I knew a black girl named La-a. "La-dash-a". I knew another girl (I think Hispanic but not sure) named Tzo-Tzil. Wtf
I hate people that do this 9 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Historically socialism nor communism have never worked for a prosperous country. Hitler tried to unite Germany under the National Socialist party (aka Nazis) and it ended in mass genocide. Stalin tried to "help" East Europe under a heavily government controlled communist system and it ended in mass hunger and poverty. Castro thought communism would help the people of Cuba and they ended up fleeing to the U.S. and I genuinely don't understand the "but maybe THIS time it will work!"
Milky icky Cobra 12 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
It's because there's no term limits on Congress
I hate people that do this 9 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
"I moved from a socialist country and now I want this country to be socialist like my home country"!
I mean they’ve got a point 2 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Agree. The sign in America or Britain could say "do not complain about our Spanish if you do not speak English". I work in the tourist industry and so many people get mad at me when I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese
Keeping up with the Kardashians 6 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
That's an insult to rhinos
A brand new John Cena watch for my wrist 4 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
And yet the footballer who kneeled was person of the year
Interstellar (2014) 10 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Even Dr. Niel DeGrasse Tyson said it's awesome. It's also the only scientific fiction movie that accurately shows the curvature of space
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Remember adults are in a TOTALLY different position than teenagers. Even a 17 year old and a 13 year old is too much. He's not physically or emotionally mature and their entire lives are different. Personally I don't even consider romance between 13 year olds very valid considering how much more development they need to go through. As a 13 year old I responded to frustration with fire, I couldn't empathize with others, I wasn't thinking about my future or adult issues; I was a kid.
Interstellar (2014) 10 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
This movie is criminally underrated
I don't have a title for this. Awkward relationship goals I guess. 27 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
But a man who dates a 13 year old girl would be arrested on the spot. Double standards at the worst
A play in 3 acts 11 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Thanks my guy *finger guns*
A play in 3 acts 11 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
At the risk of looking like a noob I gotta admit I still don't know what "sjw" stands for
Crikey!!! 10 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
They're one of the top ten most venomous animals on the planet.
A play in 3 acts 11 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Huff Post is a joke. They have been proven to doctor photos and turn away white candidates for jobs (diversity does not mean "not white", idiots). I don't know how they are still running
Three month old Hyena Cub (Kai) 7 comments
jmvail · 6 years ago
Yeah the lowest ranking female outranks the highest ranking Male. They can also crush bones and they est bone marrow. They're badass