Slave badge, then and now 2 comments
· 8 years ago
You really should't compare the two.
The voice of the generation 19 comments
Where the desert meets the ocean 2 comments
Stepan the bear 46 comments
That dude got eye issue cause I think She is stunning 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually she has 3 Oscars. I think this was supposed to say that she has 18 Oscar 'nominations'. So this quote must be over a year old because she has 19 now.
Am I wrong to enjoy guys being chivalrous? 12 comments
A gameboy ad from 1991 3 comments
Every book you've ever read 21 comments
· 9 years ago
This symbol can be a lot more simplified then this and still contain all the letters and numbers. I did it for my portfolio website www.lanza-design.com, click on the center icon.
Hello 19 comments
· 9 years ago
He is really hanging out of a plane!! It's just that the plane is on the ground and the background is photoshopped in. That's why the shadow looks so good. Want proof? Check out the jet engine fan blades and notice how they are not moving.
better love story than Twilight 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I hate to break it to you, but that's not just black berry. It's fruity di bosco, which means fruit of the forest, and it's actually mixed berries. So really the strawberry is just trying to join its other berry friends.
More emotion 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Because Squidward is about to load this job and paycheck if the owner is frozen to death.
I'm somehow both... 19 comments
Yeah, I'm still believing 18 comments
· 9 years ago
True, but by the time of Civil War he's an adult. He's only young at his origin, by the time he starts fighting the major villains he's already grown up. I don't think this was good casting.
This 8 meters long manta ray was caught in Peru 24 comments
· 9 years ago
This Manta Ray swam into a fishing boat's net, they were not looking to capture it. They did try to bring it on their boat, that's when it got so tangled in the net that it could not be freed and died. At which point they decided to bring it back to shore. They certainly were not proud of catching it or bragging about it. However they could have been using smaller nets to keep this from happening. In that area Manta Rays are worth more alive then dead because of tourism to see the creatures. So while this is sad, it's not cause to hate against humanity.
Snoqualmie Falls. One week of difference 18 comments