

— joeybailey165 Report User
Kanye west 16 comments
joeybailey165 · 9 years ago
R.I.P. Robin Williams, a truly great man.
I got my first star and it's my bday! 11 comments
joeybailey165 · 9 years ago
Top right def a ufo
I got my first star and it's my bday! 11 comments
joeybailey165 · 9 years ago
Is no one gunna comment on the UFOs? Was the meteor story a lie!?!?
When you don't think your grade is fair enough so you go talk to your teacher 11 comments
joeybailey165 · 9 years ago
Look its dickbutt! This must have been a prototype.
She has nothing to worry about now 4 comments
joeybailey165 · 9 years ago
That basket it full of stuff for her. I didn't even get all that for Christmas. Like ever.
He sounds like a good guy to me 96 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Tylerchu by your logic you are saying god gave us the gun and Satan the bullet.
He sounds like a good guy to me 96 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Who's benifit was the rule that if a man raped a woman his punishment is twenty gold pieces and he must marry the girl. Could you imagine being forced to marry your rapist by your religion? Maybe the Old Testament is obsolite, but what I'm saying is the stuff in the bible doesn't make sense or doesn't add up to the whole picture. I think were all a science experiment. Think about it. What if we are all ants in some kids classroom project ...
He sounds like a good guy to me 96 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
No hate. Just don't see why a being of infinate love and knowledge cares who I sleep with in what position what I wear what I eat. Didn't god "create" pigs? Why would he do that and then be , you know what I don't like pigs if you eat one... "YOU'LL BURN IN HELL".
He sounds like a good guy to me 96 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
A lot of things aren't in the bible. Like heaven or the truth.
Prank goes wrong 31 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
He sounds like a good guy to me 96 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Why would Satan punish ppl. Isn't it his job to cause chaos and wouldn't he want to reward those who did his bidding? Hmm something doesn't add up.
I'm crying omfg guys do it XD 36 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Fuckin genius.
So this is a thing 21 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Either way were fucked.
During the dark ages 7 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Pepperidge farm remembers.
That's Actually A Pretty Awesome Achievement 18 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
All I feel is hate on this post and it should be full of love.
That's Actually A Pretty Awesome Achievement 18 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
'From policeman's guns' also doesn't rule out the possibility of some one dying from a policeman's gun.
If Mario was released today 3 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Bastards. I say we kill 'em all.
Everyone loves a peel-in-one orange! 5 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
'Cept that guy
You are NOT getting my purse! 20 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
Fuckin' Asians man.
How is that rickity picket fence giving you more safety than a house? 27 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
If we don't fix things soon our country is going to spirl out of control. Look at the rise and fall of classical cities. They take more power than they can handle, and start to hurt their ppl and from there they city crumples. I say we stick it to em. This is fuckin' 'Murica. We have the right to bear arms so that when the government point theirs at us we can defend ourselves. Its time to take a stand America. Rise up and stop our corrupt government. Or well all burn like the Romans.
How is that rickity picket fence giving you more safety than a house? 27 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
I don't see how Americans don't see this happening.
Slug 15 comments
joeybailey165 · 10 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with you people XD