You're Not Alone 26 comments
· 4 years ago
Sad, sick, broke, and isolated. What a start into my weekend. Should've bought those apples when I had the chance! Would'nt have had any problems.
Well, live and learn...
Well, live and learn...
You're Not Alone 26 comments
I made this on photoshop heehee 2 comments
Emma Watson got corona! 11 comments
· 4 years ago
I found it via random, its like five years old... I'll take it down in a few hours.
Playing 7+ characters in one film is pretty incredible 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Peter sellers did like 6 characters in Dr strangelove. Brilliant movie by stanley kubrick!
It's all good. I was joking (exept from the first comment).
If I had bought apples then they would have kept the doctor away. I would still have my fiffi bucks, and some healthy food. And I would "just" have been sad instead of isolated and sick...
Anyway... Cheers!