Fast and Furious 8 announced, April 14th 2017 13 comments
· 9 years ago
eeeeeeeey ;D
The Avengers Club (lol Tony) 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
In case none of you knew 38 comments
· 9 years ago
can't be worse than accidentally invading your friendly innocent neighbour 3 times...coughswitzerlandcough...
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry did I say it made me feel bad? No, no, no, your comment pissed me off. This post in no way indicated that it was an overweight girl calling a boy short, nor is it about overweight girls justifying themselves- you completely assumed that. In case you haven't noticed- it says 'fat/skinny/tall/hairy/wide'. you focused on fat and completely ignored the other aspects. This post is saying that if boys are allowed to have physical preferences about girls, why aren't girls allowed physical preferences about boys? You appear to have completely looked past this concept upon seeing the words 'fat' and 'short' in the same post.
Not to mention the fact that your extreme aggression and general vile attitude when it comes to defending yourself indicate that perhaps you are the weak one considering you cannot behave in a mature and respectful manner online simply because nobody can see your face.
Not to mention the fact that your extreme aggression and general vile attitude when it comes to defending yourself indicate that perhaps you are the weak one considering you cannot behave in a mature and respectful manner online simply because nobody can see your face.
People should be quicker to understand than to judge 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know why garlog got downvoted- it's true. you don't have to understand something to tolerate it, and you don't have to tolerate something to understand it.
But that's just my opinion. Please don't start a fight in the comments. 25 comments
· 9 years ago
...help them how? They don't have a mental issue- they get mocked and teased when they make stupid comments, a lot of the time you could be talking to a 10-13 year old online and not have a clue so long as they don't say something ridiculously stupid or aggressive. But that's how they learn 'internet etiquette'. you can't shield them forever- because there are people online who will treat them the same way they would treat an adult when it comes to an argument, and they won't hold back. Unfortunately you have to be very very careful with what you say on the internet these days if you want to avoid an argument, you basically have to censor yourself. 10 is sort of the age kids first start entering social media and not just using the internet to play games. It's exciting and new to be able to post your opinion and say whatever you want, but once they realize how easy it is to get jumped at, they do calm down.
"You just need confidence, it works all the time for me!" 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I thought in that story he was considered ugly until he changed and became beautiful and all the swans were all like "pfft, don't need no ducks- we flawless come hang with us." but I don't remember fully how the original story goes xD
"You just need confidence, it works all the time for me!" 9 comments
· 9 years ago
a lot of beautiful people don't know they're beautiful, possibly because of insecurity or because they don't fit their own idea of beauty. But overall, it's better for a beautiful person to think personality is important than to think they have to rely on their looks.
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
most people get mad when the rioting is used as an excuse by some to break and enter,steal and inflict violence wherever they choose because nobody will notice in such chaos. People take it too far and lose track of the reason the riot started in the first place-to bring justice for lives that were unnecessarily taken.
Oh, that male privilege of mine! 48 comments
· 9 years ago
but why do women suffer more than the men left behind? a man can lose his partner, sibling, parent or child the same as a woman. a man can be left to explain why mommy isn't ever coming home and struggle to support his family alone all while dealing with grief. It's true-the dads can't feel anymore-but the people they left behind can regardless of gender.
Oh, that male privilege of mine! 48 comments
· 9 years ago
both the men and women left behind have it the same- both can see loved ones die- women go to war to fight as well now. Husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, parents, kids- gender doesn't entitle a person to grieve more than another.
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
· 9 years ago
as Russell Howard wonderfully pointed out- neither is marriage in general! You don't see animals having such unions. Adultery is natural, having sex with many different people is natural- you see animals do that all the time- we're beyond using the 'if it's natural it's right' card now
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
but people who are uninvolved are dragged into the damage by violence- how could they have anticipated a riot over something they weren't a part of and may have known nothing about? That's like saying, "you hurt my friend, so I'm going to go and smash up that family's house over there."
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
umm not all cops are murderers. The ratio of shitty cops and decent cops is like 1:15. They just only show the shitty cop incidents in media because it's more interesting and they know it'll get more attention because cops are getting such a bad rep. It's a cycle.
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
precisely. I know for a fact I would feel awkward dating a guy who was shorter than me- I just would. And if a guy thinks I'm not skinny enough for him, or not curvy enough or too tall or too short- fine- there are plenty more fish in the sea.
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Why does being overweight automatically make a person a bitch? Why does somebody HAVE to lose weight? So you can have a better view? Well then move along, because those 'fat bitches' don't have to do fuck all for you. As long as they know the possible consequences of their choice, and unless they say something to you- leave them alone- because you're the one bitching and whining about strangers because of what THEY do with THEIR body.
truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
yes of course all fat women are bitches. A lot do try to change it- but it's hard with people screaming down your neck all the time. Also, who says you need to be skinny? Why not average? Heck if a girl or a guy knows the consequences- let em eat all they want- it's their body. Honestly, if I had to choose between an overweight girl and you- I'd pick her any day without knowing a thing about her because you seem like the bitterest person on this entire site- every comment I've seen from you is negative and insulting- you seem to be the type of person who sees two kinds of girls- fat and skinny- you're the reason average girls feel like they're too fat, because they think they have to be skinny to be normal, or they're an 'animal whale-ass fat bitch'. Weight does not define your personality- being a dick about people over their choices most certainly does.
omg she is so heartless he doesn't have hands af 18 comments
there ya go 30 comments
· 9 years ago
I think you'd be fluent in cussing by the time they were done with you if you said that.
if i was a bird even just for a day 15 comments
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
· 9 years ago
Jesus was a Jew wasn't he? so surely Jewish principles had some influence on his teachings- teaching which were later inputted to Christianity.
A Marvel Wishlist (add your own in the comments!) 46 comments
· 9 years ago
Chris Hemsworth labelled Chris Evans 'their child.' i feel assured that they will take care of him. Captain America is a different story
A Marvel Wishlist (add your own in the comments!) 46 comments
· 9 years ago
it isnt even about captain america-it's chris evans. Two ends of the spectrum here.
Captain America-Noble,honest,brave,selfless
Chris Evans- Hilarious, man-child, "i don't wike it", "anybody wanna go to Disneyland?LETS GO!"
Captain America-Noble,honest,brave,selfless
Chris Evans- Hilarious, man-child, "i don't wike it", "anybody wanna go to Disneyland?LETS GO!"