

Jordgubbe Report User
What could be 36 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
The ground is longer than the live and neutral prongs, so it never connects without a ground. The live prongs have a plastic bit that make it impossible to pull out the plug part way and bridge the gap with a finger or something without pulling it out far enough for the plug to not get any power at all. There are also built in fuses. The plugs also have wiring inside them, with a slightly longer ground wire so that the live and neutral wires get frayed before the ground.
How to pack your luggage efficiently 16 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Roll up, put in ziploc bag, suck air out with vaccum or breath. I basically have too much room in my bag.
Career goals 2 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
I guess big ounce isn't dense.
Saw this on a different website. Thought you guys would enjoy. 39 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
TECHNICALLY this is correct. Because at some point that many will die. Disliked due to statistics. Shame.
· Edited 9 years ago
Actually a pretty good an*logy 31 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Here's the thing with this though: if you're in the middle of the intersection and the light changes to red, you keep going, because that's not fucking safe. This is not the case with the legal definition of consent; in that, I mean that consent can be withdrawn at any time, and the person performing the action requiring consent must stop then and there.
What could be 36 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
We could take a hint from the British, their plugs are fairly brilliant in terms of safety.
When you beat solitaire 3 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Solitaire has a really specific strategy. It's like 2048. If you learn how to fully optimize the process, you'll win almost every time.
Straight outta tumblr 13 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
4chan has tried to do that. They didn't actually take out the servers or anything. They just posted stuff that would "trigger" people, but are still not considered against terms of use.
honestly me 4 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
He's what's known as a "trash man" he STARTS EATIN' GARBAGE.
E.V.I.L. Every Villan Is Lying 51 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Nina is a puppy.
Seriously, At this point I'm too afraid to ask 19 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Muslim and Chinese years are lunar.
*insert witty dog name here* 6 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
The "boof-reoisie"
"Grades don't have to do something with intelligence" 16 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
I've lost all hope for the school system in America. Not because they don't teach good things, but rather, because they don't teach. I was so angry when my USH teacher said that the curriculum was modeled to pass the finals. That is not what education should be. Also: I'm growing pretty weary of all the stereotypical starter kit things. They're stupid and are often used to undermine a legitimate belief. Though they can sometimes be funny.
HNIC is right 17 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
They do go over it. A=Pe^(rt) is used when teaching about exponential and geometric functions.
Socialism 18 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
"Redistribute the crabby patties for mother krusty!"
violating the laws of reality isn't that impressive 5 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
I don't see how this is remotely hateful.
An unspoken rule, I'm suprised by how many people doesn't know that 31 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
A wounded soldier is more burdensome on an army than a dead soldier. But if there is a situation in which you don't feel safe enough to simply wound the enemy, shoot to kill.
Ugh, freshmen 12 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Next time one pokes me and runs away giggling, I'm grabbing the finger and breaking it. I swear to god.
I live in Sweden and it is true 42 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Winter comes and then if you dress like this we have to rush you to the hospital..
The great democrat debate drinking game 9 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Not quite how that works. Everybody gets high taxes so poor people get less poor, and in turn, get higher taxes. It redistributes the wealth. I think Bernie fails to explain his point properly.
HNIC is right 17 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
They do. It's called economics, money matters, and I'm pretty sure there are other ones. Not hard. Tick the box on your elective sheet.
It's gonna hurt 18 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
Does this count with Kaliningrad too?
Rock science! 8 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
The truth revealed. 12 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
I see what you did there. And I appreciate it. *your
Live simply so other people may simply live 10 comments
jordgubbe · 9 years ago
*builds fort anyways* *forts are awesome* *TREBUCHET* *DEUS VULT*