Jed Ryan


— Jed Ryan Report User
Conservative countryside > Liberal cities 7 comments
jryan06 · 5 years ago
I think the OP was trying to point out the hipocrisy of big cities. I would like to think we are all aware of the necessity to do our part for the environment, but for folks living out of big cities, most of us chose to do so to avoid city councils telling us how to live.
Trust me, I serve the best Hamberders 9 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
The guy could save a child's life and some of you would still try to twist it. Quit being so cynical all the time and accept a nice gesture as something nice. Doesn't mean you support him, just means you recognize when someone does something nice... they might actually be inclined to do something nice again. Reward good behavior and condemn the bad behavior...
Arkansas Doesn't Mess Around 12 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
@guest Strong words from an anonymous source...
*purrrrr* (fresh adopted kitty :3) 4 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
They say black kitties are the least likely to be adopted because of superstition... but I have always found them to be the friendliest! Congrats on the new addition to your family!
Donald f**king Trump 25 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
Enjoy your 6 more years of Trump kid. You've failed to make anything of this conversation constructive.
Donald f**king Trump 25 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
I own my vote. Put Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on a ballot in front of me today and I would still vote Trump. Dcottingham's claim is very direct and leaves zero room for interpretation. If you follow or support Trump, you are an idiot. The only thing you accomplished in your argument sir, is to try and go on the offense. Again, rather than discuss how we will correct this issue, you choose to become hostile. Present an argument where we progress as a society and you will have my attention; quite possibly my vote.
Donald f**king Trump 25 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
Its folks like you for why he is in power. Are you calling me an idiot because I voted for him? Or am I an idiot because I didn't vote your candidate in? Keep the labels comin folks... "deplorables" worked so well last time... if you want change, you should spend more time showing others why they should vote for your candidate. Not isolating groups by degrading them.
Poor British citizens 17 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
Just to be clear... after all of that... we WON! USA! USA!! USA!!!
Donald 14 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
I did... I expected Hillary to win... :p
That's a lot of ramen 5 comments
jryan06 · 6 years ago
Next fast and furious plot? They gotta be running low on ideas at this point...
Cat takes a seagull for a walk 9 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
LOL I enjoyed your post. Despite the impending down votes... someday people are gonna realize some of us live for the down vote. ;)
When Facebook posts line up just right 5 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
We have our drones of war... they have theirs...
Double standards 8 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
You mean do their job right?
Choose a side 9 comments
Learn to take a joke 27 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
Please don't touch me with a stick you just pulled out of your butt...
Better send more d*ck pics 21 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
The mystical downvote... no real rhyme or reason to it... Just sort of spontaneously occurs. I feel your pain Rosebud.
Real heroes 7 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
I agree with guest. I think calling this woman a hero is a disservice to those that truly do heroic things. If she had jumped on the burning bus to save a kid, that would be heroic. Instead, she just opened the door to the bus and told everyone to get off. She stayed calm, she kept the kids calm, but there was no real imminent danger at that time, just smoke. Doesn't make her a hero, just makes her a good school bus driver...
way to many veterans deal with this crap 6 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
You have yet to identify why these brave men and women do not deserve the benefits they were promised.
Some people are just evil 23 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
@German_satan well done sir
Here comes a thought 7 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
Ultimately it is us who pick our leaders. We can only blame ourselves.
"I ain't racist, and neither is trump" starter kit 32 comments
jryan06 · 7 years ago
I actually enjoy posts like this... because in 4 years the Democratic party will still be blaming the Russians and others for losing the election and not have any clue that calling us racists, "deplorables", and all the other labels is what really cost you the White house again... :D
Ain't this the truth 26 comments
jryan06 · 8 years ago
Love the backlash at pokethebear... he points out the hypocrsy of calling out one religion over another and people go on the offense. Where is the outrage over the OP's use of Christianity? In response to Melisa62943's argument of the OP's use of a "personal example", what's to say that the Jewish faith isn't Pokethebear's personal example?
Ain't this the truth 26 comments
jryan06 · 8 years ago
Folks just further proving your point Pokethebear... I see what you meant and I think the fallout speaks volume to the point you were trying to get across.
Finding Nemo 13 comments
jryan06 · 8 years ago
If you hate who you are... I would suggest a change. I for one, am proud to be an American.
Really expensive education 13 comments
jryan06 · 8 years ago
@Captionmajestic That is a fair point. We both graduated 6 years ago. Tuition at the time was about $5400 per quarter. I'll give you that one. Still, those students caps read $47k in the hole? I'm still struggling with that figure.