Really expensive education 13 comments
· 8 years ago
4 year degree and debt free... I joined the military to pay for my school. My wife applied for and received scholarships AND worked a part time job through school. She also graduated debt free. Two 4 year degrees from state colleges and no student debt. Plan accordingly, live frugally, and getting through school without "$47k" debt is completely within reason...
Truth 14 comments
· 8 years ago
70k for working 9 months out of the year... I work 12 months out of the year defending our Nation and make less than most teachers... My humble opinion is that the starting wage needs to be higher for teachers, but the upper range salary range is plenty adequate for 9 months work...
War makes everything worst 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Lagos_boy, I hate to be the one to question your abundance of tactical and strategic battlefield experience, but our enemy uses the surrounding civilian population as shields for this very reason. To make us out to be the bad guys. Despite what you see on MSN or from Hollywood, the US military does everything in its power to avoid these terrible incidents.
William Kyle Carpenter 29 comments
· 8 years ago
I too am an American airman and I too wish you a full fledged American f**k you! @antongustavos
Crazy sniper 4 comments
Sums it up perfectly 15 comments
· 8 years ago
If voting for Trump means I'm a racist does that mean voting for Hillary would have made me a treasonous criminal?
I don't get this 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Not to belittle the work our Public Safety folks do for our communities, but military service and public service are two totally different items that both require completely different sacrifices. The biggest of all is that a cop or firefighter can quit at any time and is not required to take a bullet for any of us. Your uniform members of all branches do not have these luxuries. Military folks also give up many of their constitutional rights in order to serve. Our Public Safety folks certainly put more on the line than a standard civilian, but military members put it all on the line for us. That is why we recognize the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform over that of our Public Safety persons.
It's never fair 2 comments
· 8 years ago
It is not our commanders that push us into war. It is our politicians. At least the commanders see the sacrifices made first hand.
Well yeah 8 comments
· 8 years ago
What she needs to do is get those legs out from under that wheel before the rig slips off that jack...
#irishpride 57 comments
I know the 0 days is slightly outdated 7 comments
· 9 years ago
What about the Lindt Chocolate Cafe in 2014? Are we just pretending that a man didn't hold 18 people hostage in Australia with a shotgun? 2 people died and 4 were injured... People are violent in nature. Guns or no guns...
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments
· 9 years ago
"maybe" you'd quit complaining... but I doubt it... :) I'll go ahead and down vote my own comment for the flood of down votes that I am confident will ensue.