Finally, A Petition I Can Get Behind 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Take your epi-pen, take your goddamn epi-pen, and GET OUT!
Ummmm cr*tch fruits? 47 comments
· 6 years ago
uhhh I said I didn't skip people just because I'm a mom except one time when someone insisted.
Ummmm cr*tch fruits? 47 comments
· 6 years ago
I have a brand new six week old baby. I don't expect to get pushed to the front of the line just because I'm a mom/have my baby with me (though someone let me skip them at the supermarket because I was only getting eggs and milk and my little dude was starting to fuss and I was super appreciative). However, I do get annoyed when people let the door slam in my face when I'm trying to get in somewhere with my stroller. Like I get not noticing that I'm behind you or not wanting to hold the door, but at least let me get the door from you to get myself in instead of staring at me as the door narrowly takes out my stroller and baby. Rude.
I mean, you’re not wrong 4 comments
· 6 years ago
The ADHD way is one of the methods I teach my class as part of our curriculum
Truth 14 comments
· 8 years ago
70K after you've been teaching a considerable amount of time and have sunk a large amount of money into your education (in my state its 30 credits past your Masters). I make only 57K, and that's with 4 years experience, a Masters degree, and my salary being adjusted for NYC's COL. And it's not nine months of work- July is really the only month I can go without setting foot in a school, and I do anyway because I have to work a second job all summer to supplement my teaching income.
And I'm assuming you're implying you're military- my husband is active duty and in 12 months makes way more than me.
And I'm assuming you're implying you're military- my husband is active duty and in 12 months makes way more than me.
Truth 14 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm a public school teacher. I teach full time, then three to four days a week head to my second job at an afterschool program. Twice a week I tutor for an hour at a time. I try my best to use my prep periods and lunch periods to do my lesson plans because sometimes there's just not enough hours in a day to get it all done.
I can pay my bills (yay student loan debt since I needed a Masters to get a job), but forget about any vacations or anything fancy. I have to really fight with myself about buying anything aside from the basics (and by basics, I pretty much just mean food and bills- forget about new clothes/shoes/anything I really want but don't need. Even food is sometimes a struggle to convince myself I NEED to buy it). I don't really go out or socialize much (that costs money), and when the weather is nice enough I walk the two miles to work to save bus fare (it's driving me nuts that it's been too cold to walk).
And yet people still think we get paid too much.
Edited 8 years ago
I can pay my bills (yay student loan debt since I needed a Masters to get a job), but forget about any vacations or anything fancy. I have to really fight with myself about buying anything aside from the basics (and by basics, I pretty much just mean food and bills- forget about new clothes/shoes/anything I really want but don't need. Even food is sometimes a struggle to convince myself I NEED to buy it). I don't really go out or socialize much (that costs money), and when the weather is nice enough I walk the two miles to work to save bus fare (it's driving me nuts that it's been too cold to walk).
And yet people still think we get paid too much.
Do what YOU want, people 41 comments
· 8 years ago
You know what costs money? A warm home, food, a laptop, cat food, and everything else. Money may not buy happiness but I know that I'm a way more pleasant person when I know my bills are paid.
It can lead to health problems or a trauma if something leaks in the classroom 27 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't stop sending kids to the bathroom just because a lot of kids are asking. But if Jane, Bob, and Timmy are asking to go, and Jane and Bob were doing their work and only ask to go once or twice a day, and Timmy was building a marker sword and asked to go once he noticed Bob got permission, I'm probably not letting Timmy go. But if Timmy was doing the 'I gotta go' dance, I'd let him go. It's all about getting to know the kids.
Another good trick is to tell them to ask again in five minutes. If a kid actually has to go, they'll remind you. A kid who wants to go play will usually find another form of trouble to get into in that time.
Another good trick is to tell them to ask again in five minutes. If a kid actually has to go, they'll remind you. A kid who wants to go play will usually find another form of trouble to get into in that time.
It can lead to health problems or a trauma if something leaks in the classroom 27 comments
· 8 years ago
I disagree. I teach kindergarten. It took them about a week into the school year to figure out that the bathroom is a fun place to go when you don't feel like doing your work. It's also a fun place to cause some trouble without adult supervision.
Once you get to know your students, you can figure out pretty easily when someone actually needs the bathroom or when they just don't want to do their work. I have a kid this year who was asking to use the bathroom every fifteen to twenty minutes. I called mom after two days of this and let her know this was happening, and asked her if there was a medical need I should be aware of so I can accommodate. Her response? "Oh, hell no. He's definitely just messing around. I'll talk to him." He asks to go once, maybe twice a day now.
Once you get to know your students, you can figure out pretty easily when someone actually needs the bathroom or when they just don't want to do their work. I have a kid this year who was asking to use the bathroom every fifteen to twenty minutes. I called mom after two days of this and let her know this was happening, and asked her if there was a medical need I should be aware of so I can accommodate. Her response? "Oh, hell no. He's definitely just messing around. I'll talk to him." He asks to go once, maybe twice a day now.
Some schools are trying new strategies 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Agreed. My first thought was that this kid must not be doing their homework and then lying about having homework to their parents. Also, as a teacher I would totally do this.
Graffiti on the apartheid wall in Palestine 14 comments