

— juliaaaa Report User
My bathroom needs this 13 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
I can just imagine using that soap one day, then having a Pokemon wing spike me
I Iove dark humor 2 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
huehuehue pun title
Cats have the weirdest fight/flight responses 4 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
It's always second time lucky with cats
pure fear 21 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
'Please, spare me! I have a wife and kids'
I hear you like perfect loops 13 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
This gif makes me so happy
Are you free 21 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Wow yettalous, this looks amazing, since I've always wanted to live or work in the country! I think the open space is beautiful
Unbearably cute 6 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
heheheh that pun
Russian wild kitten (manul) 8 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
It's got the body of a kitten and the face of a wise old cat
Are you free 21 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Fuck the routine - I'm going to travel the world until I'm 30
Newscaster gets interrupted by a teenager. Her reaction is priceless 9 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
'Those darn teenagers'
I can see the teacher's frustration 7 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
That's one sassy four year old
Success Cat eats well 7 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
My cat has actually worked to how to do this
Baby, you're home 6 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Oh, how I love that place
My new favourite mug 5 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Someone please tell me where I can get one of these!
I need a lettuce umbrella in my life 8 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
True love 14 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Me in the confectionery isle
Internet language 4 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
This is how i feel right now 12 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
no study, no worries
Hello Flo, Goodbye Camp Gyno 15 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Is this a commercial?
I couldn't have said it better myself 97 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
'They're taken more serious because male sports have been the bigger thing for longer' mrrsparklez,, men have been bigger for longer because it wasn't even socially acceptable for women to play sport in the 1800s to early 1900s. Women have only been competing in the Olympics for 114 years even though it's been running for many more than that.
Waiting for your guests to arrive 4 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Yeah I normally just sit on my dog waiting for people
Canadians 8 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
Guest, we can both go to the Blue Mountains or Tasmania and try it
So much pain 8 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
This photo has torn my insides to pieces
New Shrek movie 16 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
That video has permanently scarred me
American public education system in a nutshell 72 comments
juliaaaa · 10 years ago
So much wasted potential... this post makes me annoyed