

— JustLauren Report User
This perfect hamburger bun 7 comments
justlauren · 7 years ago
She's beautiful
It's my fetish 3 comments
justlauren · 7 years ago
10/10 title
When it comes to talking to talking to foreigners 5 comments
justlauren · 7 years ago
Really don't wanna be a butt about this, but I traveled to France recently (Paris, Lyon, Nice) and found that most people I spoke to were incredibly accommodating and quick to switch to English. The key it to begin by speaking French rather than to jump right in to asking for English. Now, I speak absolutely no French and had only memorized around 40 key phrases, so people were quick to figure out that I was hopeless. No one seemed annoyed to have to switch to English with me once they realised how limited my French was, but I did notice that people often seemed annoyed if a tourist approached them and went right into asking if they spoke English. I did find that the majority of people I spoke to there knew more English than I did French, but in the cases where they did not we were still able to communicate tolerably well through gesture. If you speak Spanish, you could also try to use this as a mutual language as I found that many French were also at least conversational in Spanish.
*insane screeching* 4 comments
justlauren · 7 years ago
In all seriousness this really made me smile. Living with chronic depression makes you start to appreciate the little things, even if those little things suck. I mean, life certainly isn't boring
Rock solid logic 29 comments
justlauren · 8 years ago
I should be able to help myself but I just can't. It's fewer, not less.
Abortion in sign language 30 comments
justlauren · 10 years ago
That is honestly one if the saddest things I have seen
So I found these on tumblr... 7 comments
justlauren · 11 years ago
This completes me
How to get a celebrity's attention 1 comments
justlauren · 11 years ago