Kids these days. 25 comments
· 11 years ago
believe me... they do. my friends parents and her boyfriends parents have a frickin CARPOOLING TIMETABLE that theyve hung on their fridge... i still get weirded out when i see it
To people who's against Christians 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Im christian and i support gay marriage FULLY. I think science is sososo interesting and while i do believe in adam and eve i believe that evolution came first and THAT was how adam and eve came to be... you just have to have an open mind
How to know who is your best friend 2 comments
· 11 years ago
My best friend is the most amazing person in my life. The first day I met her, I was in a really big fight with another good friend of mine that is one year older than me. My best friend spent our whole lunchtime listening to me drone on about my problems with my friend and when a friend of the person I was in a fight with went past me, she said - loud enough for only me and my bff to hear - "Eeew... what a $lut". Grace, my best friend, now turned around and threatened to punch her if she didn't take it back. When she didn't, Grace punched her and got detention for the next week. Then, I got myself in detention - for the first time ever - just so I could spend time with my newly-made best friend!! <3
Kill it before it reproduces! 116 comments
These kids are awesome 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I am actually so happy now, just knowing that at least SOME teenagers are doing good with their lives instead of taking Pot and getting impregnated makes me feel so much better.
Australia does road safety ads right! 8 comments
Parenting 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I think it's more the fact that she thinks it's fine for her daughter to do slutty, rude things when she's a kid because she's innocent. She didn't realise that all those actions would influence her daughter's thinking when she grows up.
Enough Feels For Today 10 comments
Why periods, why? 12 comments
He's a top comments wizard! 5 comments