I'm a human being, I know this because I've passed all those captcha tests.
— Kaimee Report User
This wave appears to trump the others 6 comments
· 9 years ago
"I am the wave you need, I am the wave you deserve."
Hoping someone can relate 14 comments
· 9 years ago
As someone in Law School, my only advice to you is don't do it if it isn't your passion. Law School is tough and the only thing that gets you through it is knowing that it's the only way to start doing what you love one day (practicing whatever field of Law you're interested in). Good luck!!!
Old quicksilver is better 14 comments
He sure never said "all of the above"; 16 comments
My favourite colour 37 comments
· 10 years ago
We spell them like that in South Africa too. I'm pretty sure they're only spelt the other way in America.
Try to sleep after that username 36 comments
· 10 years ago
It's the midday where I live, so you have no power here. Time difference FTW!
Edited 10 years ago
Screw This, I'm Going Back Inside 4 comments
5 Winter Clothing Innovations We'd Actually Use 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I love how it's the middle of summer where I am and I'm basically about to have a heat stroke
I got these scars from shaving... That's why I don't do it anymore 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I start law school in January, but this post didn't freak me out or anything.
Your grandparents reaction when you tell them you haven't ate since... 3 comments
· 10 years ago
All these posts are making me wonder, am I the only person whose grandparents don't freak out when they haven't eaten?
Rainbow mountains, china 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Okay, so I'm not sure what crawled up your ass, died and decomposed, but I happen to have listened to every Queen album ever, you know, and even if I hadn't, I'm pretty sure most twelve-year olds have heard Bohemian Rhapsody, I'd have to be from a different planet to need to"copypaste" a lyric from one of the most popular songs of all time for the sole purpose of seeming "cool" (as you so aptly put it) to strangers on the internet. But kudos to you and your witty, superior reply. Next time though, don't try so hard. See what I did there?
Edited 10 years ago
I said, hey ladies 14 comments
· 10 years ago
It's just a formula (the formula for distance) literally the easiest one to use in analytical geometry. You're just substituting values. The second people see letters in maths they get panicky. Why?!
I have no idea what category to put this in 13 comments
A short and sweet shutdown to a provoking question 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I wasn't rallying for any political parties in my last comment. So I'm not sure why you had to bring politics into a conversation about racism. By the way making "fun" of racism (as you so aptly put it) doesn't make it "nicer". Despite that there are people here in SA too who can see the lighter side things and make "fun" of racism. (that's why so much South African comedy is based on racial stereotype's) it's not wrong or anything, it's just a human coping mechanism. But if your idea of "nice" racism is the ability to laugh at it then our country has some of the "nicest" racism in the world, because almost everyone I know laughs off racism to deal with it.
A short and sweet shutdown to a provoking question 25 comments
· 10 years ago
1)There is no such thing as NICE racism. All degrees of racism are bad.
2) Clearly you and I don't live in the same South Africa because no one here is jumping around going "lets kill white people."
Racism exists in our country, sure, but it's not just from white to black or even from black to white there are people who are racist towards Asians, Indians and all other ethnicity's in SA. It kind of exists everywhere in th world. but I can honestly say that it's getting better in our country. you make it seem as though there are lynch mobs crucifying white people in SA, that's not the case. It might seem that way from your point of view but EVERYONE feels the effects if racial discrimination. think before you type.
2) Clearly you and I don't live in the same South Africa because no one here is jumping around going "lets kill white people."
Racism exists in our country, sure, but it's not just from white to black or even from black to white there are people who are racist towards Asians, Indians and all other ethnicity's in SA. It kind of exists everywhere in th world. but I can honestly say that it's getting better in our country. you make it seem as though there are lynch mobs crucifying white people in SA, that's not the case. It might seem that way from your point of view but EVERYONE feels the effects if racial discrimination. think before you type.
Not just an eye, hyperrealist eyes 18 comments
· 11 years ago
That eye sees all the way to my Nutella filled soul. it's almost invasive.
Edited 11 years ago