18. Hair Stylist and Etsy business owner. Superwholock and Merlin <3— Kaitlynn Nicole Report User
Bird imitates his former arguing owners 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Ohmygod i feel so bad that bird had to hear that all the time. Stuff like that can really stress out a house bird.
Godzilla frog 4 comments
· 10 years ago
This was from a video. They took projectors and made the animals and plants look like they're lighting up all cool. One of my favorite videos ill try n find the link
Ok Pepsi Marketing Team, its 2015, you know what to do 8 comments
· 10 years ago
If pepsi doesnt take this opportunity i will be terribly dissapointed in them
Pure hate! 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Because she hasn't sung about anything controversial or shamed anyone.
I actually hated taylor swift for the longest time, but when i saw her being goofy in that music video and hearing her basically saying "i dont care what people assume about me." i started to respect her.
I actually hated taylor swift for the longest time, but when i saw her being goofy in that music video and hearing her basically saying "i dont care what people assume about me." i started to respect her.
"Ain't nobody got time fo dat" 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, because my life depends on you reading my posts. Some people enjoy making posts just as much as having people read them. Please stop thinking our time, enjoyment, and self worth depends on holding your minute attention span.
You have no authority in Fort Kickass! 4 comments
An argument against teaching children the anatomically correct names 7 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not really a problem with using the correct terms. That's just your niece being rude n having bad manners.
Lolwat? 10 comments
Both are good 4 comments
· 10 years ago
They could have been holding up their shirt to take a picture instead of taking it all the way off.
Took a second look 11 comments
Instagram filters 2 comments
· 10 years ago
That's my van... >.<
it's still ugly in the after photo
Edited 10 years ago
it's still ugly in the after photo
French Bulldog Puppy Fearlessly Jumps Off The Sofa And Into His Human's Arms 6 comments
· 10 years ago
When you say "big" cat are you talking about a normal adult cat or a FAT cat? Cause I feel like a flying adult French bulldog would still be heavier than a flying puppy. Unless they stay around the weight of a Chihuahua. Or a healthy sized adult cat, but not a "big" or fat cat.
Don't take this comment too seriously. xP
Don't take this comment too seriously. xP
Seems like a nice genetic advantage 8 comments
Trying to find pictures of purebred cats on google, was not dissapointed 3 comments
· 10 years ago
This is even funnier than it should be cause when a cat tucks their paws under like that me n my friends call it "loafing". This cat is loafing and literally a loaf. xD
Crow feeds cat and dog 8 comments
I'd like to think they get the point but they probably don't 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Thoughts I was the only one.
if a child is with their parents n the kid hands me the money all crumpled up I tell them nicely that cashiers dont like it when you hand them crumpled money. That way the kid will hopefully remember not to do it and maybe the parents will hear and realize they're being rude when they do it too
if a child is with their parents n the kid hands me the money all crumpled up I tell them nicely that cashiers dont like it when you hand them crumpled money. That way the kid will hopefully remember not to do it and maybe the parents will hear and realize they're being rude when they do it too
He used to be a happy cat 16 comments