I'm sorry to every bilingual person I've done this to 29 comments
· 8 years ago
Nederlands is de beste taal. If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much.
A handy "How to..." guide 75 comments
· 8 years ago
You need to do whatever gets you attention for your cause. If a peaceful walk doesn't get you that attention, then so be it, block traffic. And might I remind you that the reason those peaceful protests in the 60s and 50s ever got any attention, or ''they got what they wanted'' because the protesters were arrested by cops and beaten to a pulp by bystanders for naught. Seriously, if you think blocking traffic is bad, you should see some of the shit the french unions have pulled over the past fifty years.
A handy "How to..." guide 75 comments
Tired of the world 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I hate to ruin your fun, but your cat might be ill. http://www.gopetsamerica.com/cat-health/cat_disease_signs.aspx
Headphones theses days 12 comments
Never forget 3 comments
Nicely played, police department 9 comments
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
I give up. Have a good life. You consider yourself wise enough to call me ''mentally ill'', but you yourself have eaten up the propaganda your government has thrown at you for decades. Ponder that for a change...
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
''Again, you have stalked me long enough to know that I frequently try to provide facts and education when someone is so mistaken, as keepsake is. However, when someone is so thick headed there is no point trying to reach them. There is no reason to try to debate someone who is so closed minded and dangerously ignorant as keepsake. In such case I have no qualms pointing out just how ignorant and foolish such beliefs are.''
The Psychological projection is real. You have yet to contribute any facts or research to the conversation.
Also: ''is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost''
''need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy..''
That is a contradiction if I've ever seen one. You are about as nuanced as a sledgehammer, guestwho. Try to read things as they actually written instead of jumping to conclusions immediately. Also, how old are you?
The Psychological projection is real. You have yet to contribute any facts or research to the conversation.
Also: ''is comprised of PEOPLE just like you, and are actually no smarter or better than the citizenry you are truely lost''
''need to be controlled by some faceless bureaucracy..''
That is a contradiction if I've ever seen one. You are about as nuanced as a sledgehammer, guestwho. Try to read things as they actually written instead of jumping to conclusions immediately. Also, how old are you?
You're a virgin 52 comments
· 8 years ago
Comparing Santa and MLK are like comparing Gahndi and Ronald Macdonald, lmao.
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
'' It is impossible for parents to truly manage every aspect of a child's life, and many consider it harmful to do so. It is up to our government to shape our environment in our childhood and later life, because it is a deciding factor of the people we will become. And, by extent, what the country will become under the bewind of its new citizens.''
If the words are too difficult for you to understand, you know, the ones written in YOUR native language, I suggest you go find a dictionary. No, that is not what I said, so read it again. Environment = our surroundings. Safety, healthcare, public transport, television, etc. Things that the government takes care of most countries. When you use logic the world around you really isn't all that enraging.
If the words are too difficult for you to understand, you know, the ones written in YOUR native language, I suggest you go find a dictionary. No, that is not what I said, so read it again. Environment = our surroundings. Safety, healthcare, public transport, television, etc. Things that the government takes care of most countries. When you use logic the world around you really isn't all that enraging.
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
''Obesity, a bad parent-child relationship, a higher acceptance of harmful substances..'' These are all problems that will effect every child in later life, especially the last one. It is impossible for parents to truly manage every aspect of a child's life, and many consider it harmful to do so. It is up to our government to shape our environment in our childhood and later life, because it is a deciding factor of the people we will become. And, by extent, what the country will become under the bewind of its new citizens.
This fridge is special 51 comments
· 8 years ago
Because Greece, as well as we are and many other countries, are members of the EU, we are bound by law to do so. The most money came from Germany I believe.
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
As a Children Studies major, I can tell you that the most important part about those studies are always the problems that effect children in later life. Not only physically but also mentally relatively small defects can have a massive effect on mental health in the child's adult life. That part lists pretty serious things. Obesity, a bad parent-child relationship, a higher acceptance of harmful substances.. I am not advocating for a complete ban of advertisement, but you have to be selective of what you choose to expose your child to.
This fridge is special 51 comments
· 8 years ago
We had to bail-out Greek banks in 2012 by loaning them billions of euro's we'll likely never see returned. We had to rework our entire budget, which is mostly invested in healthcare and education.
You really musk know him 8 comments
· 8 years ago
He lied about his fathering own daughter and wasted all of his parents' money, what an asshole!
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
If you scroll down on the page and click the tab ''The Effects of Advertising on Children'' you can read a number of negative effects advertisements can have on the young mind.
and for guestwho, straight from the dictionary; ''Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production'' And: ''Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.'' There is no arguing about this. It's all facts.
and for guestwho, straight from the dictionary; ''Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production'' And: ''Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.'' There is no arguing about this. It's all facts.
This fridge is special 51 comments
· 8 years ago
Because the masses are stupid. I guess it has risen, I'm not sure why it's so cheap here in the Netherlands. Probably government regulation, but I don't know the specifics of it. We used to be very socialist before the crisis in 2012.
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
Also for good measure don't group socalists with liberals, it's a long shot let me tell you.
Only before or after the show 50 comments
· 8 years ago
Why do you make me repeat myself? Science. facts. research. http://www.apa.org/pubs/info/reports/advertising-children.aspx
The problem with your country is that you look for motives in everything, when you really should just follow what the facts tell you. YOUR scientists are some of the best in the world, and yet you choose to ignore them.
The problem with your country is that you look for motives in everything, when you really should just follow what the facts tell you. YOUR scientists are some of the best in the world, and yet you choose to ignore them.