Yeah… 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Best explanation of this phenomenon (doot-doo-do-do-doot)
Come out ye Black and Tans 8 comments
· 3 years ago
^^ folk that dont know what the troubles were all about and the systemic bigotry that still goes on today that effects real lives every day
Come out ye Black and Tans 8 comments
· 3 years ago
^^ folk that dont know what the troubles were all about and the systemic bigotry that still goes on today that effects real lives every day
Margaret 4 comments
· 4 years ago
That's because we have been shafted time and time again by the conservative party, thatcher was the worst, look up about "the poll tax"
The MacKaren remembers 15 comments
· 4 years ago
I fuckin love this. We Scots (real Scots, not these American wannabe Scots) would sort all this shite out as we don't stand for this pish
This just got real 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Eh I think you will find this is a delecacy is scotland known as a Pizza Crunch. Yum.
Welp, seeya later! 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Has everyone forgot that after WWII the uk was so poor the US had to bail them out? So they were boholden to another state then too, hence the "special relationship" was born. That enabled the uk to grow. The UK had a major influence in the EU but folk just focused on the immigration issue and the letters on the side of a big red bus
"Diversity is our strength" 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Hmm, questionable, this looks like inside every black man is a white man, slightly racist undertone here, no likey
For all those who don't know: Wild camping is legal in Scotland. If you want, you 11 comments
· 5 years ago
So you can camp almost anywhere in Scotland as long as it is not private land that is normally defined by a fence or wall. We do not have mosquitoes, but do have tiny biting insects call Midgies. If you camp near water you can get hundreds of bites that just leave itchy sores. However any hunting grade bug repellant will keep them away