

Aye what's up friend. if you have wattpad follow me KidrauhlLover04 I follow back btw.

— Jas Report User
I, myself, play the piano... You? 114 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
piano and violin but im quite shit and the violin
When Witnessing a tragic accident 6 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
I witnessed an accident the other day, it happened outside a hospital and the few people who werent busy taking photos asked the hospital for a stretcher to carry the poor woman in but none of the guards helped to request a stretcher and the lady had to be put into a taxi and it was escorted by the police to another hospital.
OMFG 17 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
is that twaimz?
What is it? 23 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
does he have two chins?
im dying 8 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
i didn't think i'd ever find someone who liked cake boss as well. *high five*
Never understood those people 32 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
aye man theres no need to kink shame :/
I'm just going to put this here 11 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
i saw these trees a couple of months ago in a forest reserve. the patterns they form are really pretty.
What would you do if you woke up left alone in the whole world? 56 comments
kidrauhllove · 8 years ago
Eat as much pizza as possible before the realness of the situation settles in.
I want this coca cola glass, so badly 21 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
i have one and its my favourite cup, however i have yet to drink coke from it.
Stealthiest plane 17 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
im going to hell for laughing.
So THAT'S how that happened 9 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
my friend just went for a surgery to remove that xD
Glasses people problems 16 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
My usual reply for the last one is 'So do you' if that makes any sense.
Should we be concerned? I'm a little concerned 29 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
yea.. i've tried different dominos and they're all fabulous, just the one at my place.
Should we be concerned? I'm a little concerned 29 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
Dominos. the crust gets hard very fast. :(
Should we be concerned? I'm a little concerned 29 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
I dont eat the crust because it hurts my teeth :C
Try not to cry. Cry a lot 13 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
*hugs back* thank you for the hug kind internet person
Try not to cry. Cry a lot 13 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
I just lost my uncle in a car accident. This makes it harder to stop crying. Damn the feels
Ba dum tss 7 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
gonna change my name to Amith so i can be as cool as him
but my mom said i cant 12 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
i usually respond with "because she said so"
These shadows look like a lion 13 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
I see a llama .-.
Assemble! 27 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
fUNSUBSTANCE DID THE THING (above is a picture of Neil deGrasse Tyson saying he takes being called a 'geek' a compliment)
Realizing tomorrow is Friday! 21 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
In my country theres about 3 more hours of Friday left
Children are more accepting than adults 35 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
Thank you :3
Children are more accepting than adults 35 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
That's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me. I've been having a shitty day. Thank you.
Children are more accepting than adults 35 comments
kidrauhllove · 9 years ago
he looks more fabulous than i'll ever be.