

Killingdanse Report User
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
@guest Yet when other countries have a problem oh say with an invasion or a financial / natural crisis the US is the first one they request help from. Kind of odd that we are so bad socially and morally. I don't see other countries coming to help when we have a crisis. Do you have any idea how much aid was mobilized for the last disaster in Japan or Haiti? I am sorry but I am getting very tired of people complaining about or making fun of America and Americans when I've seen what gets published in European news about the US. Its about 1/4 the story most of the time and very rarely the truth. I don't pretend to know what goes on in other countries until I get all of the facts. I wish others wouldn't pretend to know what goes on here.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
The name of the country isn't plural though.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
I am not certain why the words "USA have" bothers me so much.
Can somebody explain this sign? 19 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Steep hill in the Everglades Florida
Seize the opportunity 5 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
That is in my home town lol
I'm joking but the candidates are really bad 35 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
The use of drones will only make more american people rise up against the government. It would be a self-defeating action. If a government starts killing their own people for expressing their rights, all you do is turn more people against against the government.
I'm joking but the candidates are really bad 35 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Please remember we did it once, it is entirely possible to do it again. Not that I am for a violent revolution but it is definitely time for a change. If the change does not come soon politically, the we will get closer and closer to a military solution.
I do know that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are not satisfied with the corruption in our government who are willing to take action against it. In many small ways it is currently happening. Please do not spout off unless you can back it up by facts.
Many military and ex-military veterans are willing to change things by any means necessary.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
Actually I only down voted the "Lol down vote me for the truth" and then I replied.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
That I would not have down voted. It is a very common misconception that they are territories and the distinction is important because the United States has states which include Hawaii and Alaska and offshore territories like Guam and Puerto Rico.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
But they are not "like" territories. This would be much easier if you looked at the second time I posted about this.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
Wikipedia nice... and you said they were territories. I was commenting on your assertion that they were territories.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
Sheesh where are you from? They are part of the United States as states share in every right and responsibility of statehood. This is a list of the United States and a list of the Territories of the United States of America.
People need to understand 52 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
You were down voted because that is not the truth they are states not territories. There is a difference.
Yeah that's about right 4 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
Today me too.
albino peac*ck 21 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
You're right its not. It's a white one. True albino peacocks are extremely rare. White ones with black eyes are all over the place here.
Erm... No? 34 comments
killingdanse · 9 years ago
Actually no its not too hard. Children are taught to problem solve early (or at least they should be.) If you read the question carefully, you will see that it is solvable without involving actual division. If the child puts one on each plate until they are all gone he or she will get the answer. If you've ever seen a six year old split things between a few of his or her friends, you will see that they already know how to do this. Also, without the rest of the lesson, you have no idea what the teacher did that day. The teacher may have covered putting one on each plate with visuals so the child understands this kind of question. We teach this skill in kindergarten in America or at least Florida schools do.
fluffy cows 17 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
Mini moos
Reality vs Mental State 10 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
A bit too true for comfort
Iceland's Police Are The Coolest 17 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
The usa needs better police in almost all of their cities
p*rnstar poverty 11 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
Seriously? You think she deserved what happened because of her job?
So true in so many ways 11 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
One word Zaire
IPhone Vs. Android 18 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
One is repairable, expandable, and has a battery you can replace. The other has to be sent away.
Tumblr biology 40 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
If the amount of rage filled vegans is any indication, a vegan diet causes irrational anger or did you mean a rage fueled by consuming vegans?
Tumblr biology 40 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
I would have to agree... I found another vegan...they downvoted my post.
Tumblr biology 40 comments
killingdanse · 10 years ago
Me too I thought I was the only one that enjoyed a rousing game of find the vegan.