Canada's presidents 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yep... my favorite is still crowley referring to them as moose and squirrel though. Glad there is someone else who noticed moose in S8
How dumb can the teachers be =)) 7 comments
· 10 years ago
It teaches students that the concepts are inter-related and to use the tools available.
Psh. Rules 7 comments
Do it..Would you 62 comments
· 10 years ago
I think that would be cheating lol.... Sam, Dean, and Cas would be perfect.
A watch for the blind 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Most of the visually impaired people I know from FSDB have watches that talk or ones where the crystal flips up and they can touch the hands. The hands and numbers are heavier duty than a regular watch. I would think that this particular watch would get confusing particularly with little variation in the numbers.
Sea pandas 18 comments
Sea pandas 18 comments
Florida man 21 comments
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
You are very right but there is value in recognizing that other people have different views. The "I'm right you're wrong" attitude is what stifles new ideas. I never once insulted other ideas or people during this discourse. All I have been saying is that there are other ideas out there and it is always good to consider them. It's no wonder that more people don't choose to share different views here. For disagreeing with mainstream information people resorted to name calling and insulting my profession because apparently disagreeing with them makes me unqualified. At least I recognize there are other ideas out there even if I don't agree with them. It seems that ideas that are not mainstream are just not tolerated here. It amazes me that people who say they are open minded can't stand someone holding a different idea without resorting to insults.
Peta crashes biker gathering 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Depending on the club wouldn't shouting "you're murderers" be a bit redundant.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
But it is a fact that there is arguement about. Not everyone believes it is fact. Definitions change as religious ideas do. There are several different sides to this including those that view it as a denomination of, a different animal entirely, and those that believe that one has become so twisted thatbit has morphed away from the other. Religion grows, advances, and changes just like everything else.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
If no one questioned what many claim as fact we would never advance as a civilization.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
Too true. Everyone is entitled to their own views. During this discussion I never once resorted to the "I'm right you're wrong" mentality. It is funny that one expression of opinion degenerated into personal attacks. The point of continuing it was to try and see the different side of the argument because there is equal information on both and neither side is scientific because religion at its core is not. I don't teach religion and the fact that I teach should never have been a part of this. Precisely why I leave teaching it to the people who've studied it all their lives.
I do question resources constantly because I deal with information from these resources constantly. We don't use the easy way in class because the easy way often leads misinformation. You would be amazed how little UGC is fact checked references or not. I don't expect others to be as neurotic about it as I am but if they are trying to convince others to their way of thinking they probably should research it.
I do question resources constantly because I deal with information from these resources constantly. We don't use the easy way in class because the easy way often leads misinformation. You would be amazed how little UGC is fact checked references or not. I don't expect others to be as neurotic about it as I am but if they are trying to convince others to their way of thinking they probably should research it.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes I am a teacher. Do you think that because my religious views differ from yours I shouldn't? Religion and public school should never mix. I am not the one whose comments degenerated to name calling because someone chose to express a different view.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
Mgoveia Btw the name calling and stomping comment wasn't directed at you. It just was in a strange order.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
Probably but I am sure there are disagreements between its members too.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
Name calling and stomping off because people disagree with you... good one.
Good guy pope 65 comments
· 11 years ago
AP I was wondering when you would degenerate to name calling because some people choose to disagree with you.
Mgoveia good one with the Easter Bunny but UGC is not accepted at higher levels because in order to be taken as fact a concept needs to be proven multiple times and peer reviewed.
Mgoveia good one with the Easter Bunny but UGC is not accepted at higher levels because in order to be taken as fact a concept needs to be proven multiple times and peer reviewed.