

Killingdanse Report User
they're "cute" and what? 5 comments
killingdanse · 6 years ago
Actually the standard dachshund is elongated for tunnel running.
Gotta love it when your best friend is a lion 15 comments
killingdanse · 7 years ago
If I am not mistaken the situation ended badly.
It needs to be banned 6 comments
killingdanse · 7 years ago
They are both acceptable.
It needs to be banned 6 comments
killingdanse · 7 years ago
Forget water - watch out for dihydrogen oxide... that is truly deadly and sounds infinitely more impressive.
This is my evil Kermit moment 10 comments
killingdanse · 7 years ago
Me to actually
Brothel signs in Pompeii 13 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Guest, Jensensbooty is right. This is actually the street sign for the brothel. There is a sign carved in stone for a market and one for the baths as well. This is not to say that the Romans did not like drawing penises on things. You should see the inside of the brothel.
Brothel signs in Pompeii 13 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
So did I - it absolutely warrants a picture
What has the weather become 6 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
They obviously have never been to Florida
I'd like to see this happen 2 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
What is really scary is I actually saw a guy with something similar.
A little social experiment. Vote in the comments 67 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Absolutely yes
Pitbulls... now is stackable form 2 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Yes, they are... they stack up like that on a regular basis. Their names are Molly (on top) and meanie. That is what happens when there are two dogs and one chair :-)
debate this 44 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
I think the guest does not understand a well thought out argument, differences of opinion, sentences with more than three words. He also doesn't seem to understand the concept of "if you do not have time to read it then don't read or respond to it."
debate this 44 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Unfortunately, there were as many if not more white slaves as there were black slaves existing all over the world. Many times there were not called slaves but indentured servants, which I won't get into but you can look it up. White slavery does still exist as does slavery of every race around the world. You cannot fault someone for being gay, white, black, or any other race or sexual orientation and proud of it.
What bothers me is when white people with the same or better qualifications are passed up because of affirmative action quotas and no one sees the discrimination. Another example is the fact that there is BET or Logo but you cannot have a white entertainment television station or a station that only depicts straight people rather than both homosexual and heterosexual people. If that is not discrimination then I don't know what is.
· Edited 8 years ago
debate this 44 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Now you can...
Birthday boy 3 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
They actually are no where near each other and only one person gets really close to that Komodo. I live in St. Augustine, the Alligator farm is great and not what it sounds like. They are responsible for several endangered species breeding programs and are conservationists.
You're not wrong, you're just an asshole 44 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Saying that they also bear responsibility is victim blaming. When someone deliberately uses someone else it is the beginning of DV. Also we do not know the full story here. Chances are there was emotional abuse at the very least. We don't know why the other person says why did you do this to me.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
People forget that sometimes it is better to be dead then live with an abusive parent or without love. I know a lot of people that probably should have aborted their children. An unwanted unloved child often winds up killing themselves in one way or another.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Just for those of you who want the information its like adopt a pet but for kids.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
You are forgetting about rape victims. Rapists do not always use condoms. T
Macklemore tells it like it is 23 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Suicide is what happens when the pain outweighs someone's ability to cope. It is not stupid, it is not necessarily the only answer but when you are in so much pain that you can no longer cope with it, suicide may be the only viable alternative.
Don't go near marjorama, kids 8 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
Well they said smoke some herb... they didn't say which herb
Don't go near marjorama, kids 8 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
I think you might have missed the point...
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
I would hate to live in a country where no one does humanitarian works because of lack of money. You would be amazed at how much you can do with very little money. People here donated time and yes money - some gave 10 cents while others gave thousands of dollars. Are you telling me no one in any country could take up a collection or write a letter? That there is no form of assistance that you can think of?
"You can't assume an individual represents the values of their country" Sorry but I believe a country is made up of individuals and an individual can act whether their country does or does not. When a person comments on a forum or in a comments section they are representing their country to individuals around the world. The comments against the US are not being made by other countries they are being made by individuals.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
"That all costs money" individual citizens and corporations helping are you telling me other countries do not have either of those that are willing to help others?
I did not say that individuals commenting is the same as a country making an official comment. Sorry I did not explicitly say the people making comments against America usually come from countries who do not even bother to help yet they (the individuals) feel the right to pass judgment and comment on the morality in a country they've probably never been in. It just seemed overly verbose.
Please reread the last part of my previous comment I suspect you misunderstood the point of it. I also suspect that by pulling it apart line by line you missed the point of the entire reply.
People in general seem to think that it is not okay to "trigger" someone and you have to be careful about being sensitive but it is okay to bash another culture without basis as long as it is America.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
killingdanse · 8 years ago
@garlog what do you "to be fair" since when is money the only form of help. In many instances our first responders and other medical personnel go over on their own to help, not to mention food and supplies.
Since when does helping anyone have to do with money and how is that fair? Other countries do not even offer, yet have the nerve to comment on our policies and morality. I am just getting sick of people who do not live here passing judgement.
We do have freedom, we are proud of it. It is not the freedom to commit a crime but it is the freedom to make our own decisions when it comes to many things including protecting ourselves. I've lived several places around the world and despite our problems (which every country has problems) the US is one of the better places to live. For those who comment on our patriotism and how proud we are, I don't see very many other countries stepping up and doing anything that their citizens can be proud of.