

— JayBirdsKill Report User
Tumb*ner 12 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I usually end up doing that too
Tumb*ner 12 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I always say "have fun" when someone tells me they're going to the bathroom.
Graffiti comes to life 10 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
*bows down to you* teach me your ways!
Unemployed 15 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
False. My best friends older brother has tattoos all over his arms, legs, and neck and he works in a grocery store as a pizza maker and everyone loves him.
Donut friendzone 8 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I dont care who you are. You give me a box of donuts im dating you faster then you can say donut!
Taking to your toy 12 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Durning my last school play I was a mom and I had to borrow a doll from the kindergarden room, and I didn't know it was on... At the end of the scene we were practicing it was dead silent cause the song just finished and our directer was thinking, i accidentally hit a button (i didn't know the doll had) and very loudly to doll goes off saying "feel my buttons momma." I was then known as the girl with the ugly demon baby
Black people's lips be lookin like leather seats n shiet 6 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I honestly thought the bottom right picture was still his lips, till i read the title...
This should be a new way of writing music 25 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
As a singer who is actually performing this song for the second time at my school... This makes perfect sense and actually helps better than the sheet music
Did You Know.....? 18 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I've had to deal with a horse that would "crib" or "wind suck". They are very stubborn and will not stop until put In a special collar like device that stops them from cribbing.
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Satan's little chariots 11 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
My brother goes to college at OSU and they have these chairs in one of their experimental rooms. They are so cool! I wanted to steal one when I went down Saturday.
You go Channing Tatum! 7 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I get these references now!
Them feels 28 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I'm still mike... :(
Perspective is everything 28 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I am very confused by this....
Mona Lisa is watching you 21 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I feel stupid... I thought it said "Mona Lisa" not "Mona Lisa's eyes".... I spent like 10 minutes trying to find the full picture till I went back and read it again..
Dishes. 5 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
For a second I thought her nail polish was just black sharpie...
Hope you hate sleep! 60 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
The one time I regret getting on this site before bed....
20 things that men do 82 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
I've done about 8 or so of these... And Im a woman...
YES yes i have 5 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
At my grandparents house you have to balance the switch to turn the upstair loft lights out because the one upstairs doesn't work and the one at the bottom doesn't turn off unless balanced in the middle.
When you see it... 108 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Had to watch this for like five minutes just to figure out what it was...
This took me so long to figure out! 28 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
What Uganda do about it? 7 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Is that the guy that faked the Sign Lauguage?
Sweet niblets! 11 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Accidentally scrolled past this to fast and thought the title was "screw nipples" till I scrolled back up to it..
when the teacher picks you out for doing the best work in class 22 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Is it sad that the first thing I noticed was Niall Zayn and Liam in the back and how confused Niall looked?
When I get a good grade on a test that i didn't study for 10 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Found out I got an A+ on my Sign Laguage Test/essay that I didn't study for today. This is basically what I did on the inside when she handed me my test back
Love all around the world :') 75 comments
killjoy2 · 10 years ago
Can I just say, I have yet to see an ugly G/L couple.. They are all so attractive! And freaking adorable together might I add.