

Kissalinda Report User
People like her make me proud 18 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
That's kind of rude to say that the coats don't matter, making a positive difference in someone's life definitely matters. No matter how small, don't let that discourage you from making a difference, every little bit helps.
The cutest slug EVER 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
They look like dragon fruit with ears
Every holiday 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I gotta agree with you mrscollector, let the kids enjoy the magic of the holidays while they're still young enough to believe. In the end they'll know who made the magic and the gifts happen for them and will appreciate it. Besides most of the time they dont read the gift tags of who its from, they just check if their name is on it and start ripping! Either from Santa or Mom & Dad, in the end they'll know it was all from good ol' Mom & Dad.
Divorced Barbie 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Hey the house and the car are rightfully hers, they're under her name. Barbie's dream house and Barbie's dream car, not Ken's. Besides, Barbie is the bread winner, she's a chef astronaut, veterinarian, president, I've never seen a Ken with an occupation... Ken seems like the gold digger in this relationship
Anon keeps chickens 6 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
didn't even need to shoot the mice, chickens will kill mice on their own. Frogs, doves, mice, pretty much anything smaller than them they'll kill it and usually eat it.
Tattoo 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Jeez Morgan no need to be mean, they probably mean that because of trypophobia the fear or repulsion of clusters of holes, not to be mean about the tattoo or the leg.
Irony of healthcare 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
The reason they rejected the procedure was because it was experimental and not enough clinical trials have been done to show it would solve her epileptic episodes. It's possible it could solve her seizures but in the trials it has been tested it its predicted at a 60% to 70% success rate but only if the doctors can pinpoint the area causing the seizures. The reason they denied it is because the procedure is still considered experimental. They did approve her for open brain surgery, which is more invasive and more expensive, but not for this less invasive brain surgey done using a laser. I'm not sure if they could pinpoint the area causing her seizures, a major factor in getting the less invasive surgery, the article does not say.
When you have the slowest reaction time in the world 9 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Axolotls have horrible eyesight, they're nearly blind. They usually need to be hand fed with tweezers and you really gotta wave the food around for them to notice it.
UnBEElievable 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Bees can sting other insects without their stinger being ripped off, meaning they can sting insects multiple times and not die, its when they sting animals with skin that the stinger becomes stuck and rips off.
Normal Tuesday Night 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
He swam across the reservoir, the water on top, which is incredibly dangerous because the water current will suck you into the dam and kill you. Technically he swam in lake Mead but the lake is huge and considering how close he was to the dam itself, he was swimming in illegal waters that are more considered a part of Hoover dam than lake Mead as they dont allow boats/ people to get too close to the damn because it's too dangerous. At the point he was at its no longer considered lake mead its considered the Hoover damn. The title states he swam across it, not through it, it is concrete after all. He got fined around $300 for doing it.
Rare glimpse. 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Not to burst anyone's bubble but it's photoshopped, the actual photo does include the lighting bolt and tornado, but the oil rig was shopped in and the story is fake. The tornado was photographed in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, not Texas.
Choose the right path 14 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I agree, there's many different paths and trade school isn't right for everyone just as University isn't right for everyone. Its silly to tell everyone to stop going to University and go to trade school instead, just as its still to tell everyone to only be a doctor or lawyer. The world needs all kinds of occupations with differently educated people to fill those positions.
Pretend You're A Penguin 12 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
This is for walking on ice on pavement so you don't slip, not walking over frozen bodies of water. The safest way to walk over frozen bodies of water is to not walk across them, it's not safe to walk over them especially if you're not sure how thick the ice is.
10 · Edited 7 years ago
Very specific ocean 2 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I don't understand what do you mean by waves? Could you be more pacific?
Last Known Painting by Da Vinci sells for $450 Million 3 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It'll probably be a combination of both, the painting was sold to an anonymous buyer so it likely wasn't sold to a museum. But many buyers of paintings like these will put the paintings on loan to museums, as long as the museums take care of the large upkeep costs of paintings this old, valuable, and fragile. So it likely won't matter that an individual bought it, it'll likely be in a museum anyway even if the museum doesn't own it.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Enough internet for today.... 11 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
It may not have been her dads its possible it was based off of a porn star, but maybe next time don't use things that aren't yours because thats nasty no matter whose ot was cast from.
The kitty has been traumatised 10 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
But to lather your cat you'd have to stick your fingers in between the bars, which when bathing a cat would be like sticking your fingers into a blender...
Timing 13 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
The dad probably couldn't give a damn, he probably didn't care because he knew his daughter got what she deserved.
People are being rewarded to be sick and unfit in America 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
I cant find the security video of the customers getting their feet trapped. The footage was reviewed by Walmart and likely in court, but I'm not sure if they released it to the public.
People are being rewarded to be sick and unfit in America 7 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
He was 59 and got his foot stuck in a pallet underneath the watermelon display and security footage showed multiple people also getting stuck in the pallet. He sued Walmart for having an unsafe environment that he was injured in as he shattered his hip because of the pallet. The article states the man used to play basketball frequently so I doubt his fitness level is what caused his injury and that picking up a watermelon wouldn't be particularly risky for him. The pallet is what cause his injury not the watermelon, his hip is shattered and he now needs a walker to get around.
I knew it! 1 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
"It looks like you're trying to solve a mystery. Would you like some help?"
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
The good Samaritan act is to protect those that do help from legal action that may be taken against them. The "duty to rescue" is when you can be held accountable for not rescuing somone in danger, but its not used in most counties. The only time it is used in most counties is if you are their parent/guardian or you are directly resposible for the dangerous situation.
Mayor Despot 12 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Gotta send them some furniture in the mail, they wont be able to leave because they have to display it. You're staying in my town whether you want to or not
How's your mother? 5 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Well just saying "more pics" is a bit rude, he also should ask if they are still selling if too. He doesn't have to ask them their life story or be overly courteous but he could have just said "Is the car still for sale, and if so could i get a few more pictures of it?"
French cat 8 comments
kissalinda · 7 years ago
Hey that's a nautical cat not a french cat! We're being lied to! Look hes even in a ship! I'll never trust a cat in a striped shirt again