My life is a lie 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?
Cars of the future can blink 12 comments
· 7 years ago
To protect them, the lenses on normal headlights get damaged from the elements and uv damage, that's why they get all foggy and your headlights become dimmer as a result. If you cover them your headlights will be brighter for longer.
True 8 comments
· 7 years ago
It doesn't become invalid, does a cut disappear just because someone else has their leg amputed? Even if its something everyone has to deal with it doesn't mean its invalid either, millions deal with depression but that doesn't mean its invalid just because everyones going though it. Its ridiculous to overreact to your problems, yes, but just because its not a major problem or everyone else also has that problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Well hi there. 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I know you can train them i said that, but it's not an easy task to train monitors especially to do something like wave because they're don't already do it like bearded dragons. But it's definitely possible to train monitors even other tricks, they're pretty smart. But man I'd be afraid to get bitten by one of them, be careful with your fingers when feeding them D:
Well hi there. 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Im not sure if monitor lizards do this, or at least its uncommon. Bearded dragons do it often to show other bearded dragons they're not a threat, it's not a trick they do, it's instinctual. You may be able to teach a monitor to do it but it may be a very slow process.
PSA 8 comments
· 7 years ago
$80k on a Toyota? Only $50k for a kid? If you ever get the chance to be on The Price is Right, you should just stay home.
This has great meaning 3 comments
· 7 years ago
If your friend is clinically depressed you shouldn't ask them to pretend to be happy and you shouldn't ask them to change, but you really should help them change. Help your friend get help or be the help they need, don't just ignore the problem and turn a blind eye or say "that's just how they are". Acknowledge that they have depression, but don't accept it, fight for your friends mental well-being because everyone can use a little help sometimes. If someone you know is depressed, help them, don't just carry on as if everything is normal, because it may be a matter of life and death.
Vidya games save lives 3 comments
· 7 years ago
This happened to a family member of mine, but she was standing at the stove facing it. The only thing that saved her from the exploding glass was the cornbread in the pan.
For those who judge all the time 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Everyone is aware of the stigma and many choose to still get visible tattoos anyway, which is fine, but if you have trouble getting a job because of them, you might should have chosen a different location. Of course this will likely change in the future, just as employers have already become a little more comfortable with visible tattoos. But as for the current situation, that stigma of tattoos is still around. Its better to get them somewhere coverable, than to hope employers will overlook them, it's not worth the job opportunities.
For those who judge all the time 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It doesn't matter if you dont see them as unprofessional, it doesn't matter if anyone sees them that way, but that's the stigma around them. This isn't my personal opinion its just the facts of the job market we are all a part of. Just as wearing a bandana around your head to an interview or a big pink bow, the stigma that something being seen as unprofessional is still there. I'm not really sure why, whether its because of gangs/crimes/inmates being associated with tattoos, or if its something religious/cultural, or if tattoos are just considered rebellious or immature, but you can't deny the stigma that tattoos are unprofessional. The stigma around them is what makes them unprofessional it has nothing to do with what the tattoo is. Technically the man who has tiger stripes tattooed all over his face doesn't have anything violent or obscene, but he definitely doesn't look professional.
For those who judge all the time 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Tattoos don't make you look criminal, they make you look unprofessional. A tie makes you look professional. If you show up to an interview with sweats and an old t-shirt you're not going to get the job, just like if you show up to an interview with your face or knuckles tattooed. No one thinks tattoos make you look like a criminal but they do make you look unprofessional. As for "Those that judge all the time", employers and interviewers can and will judge you based on your professionalism, so if you don't wanted to be judged by your tattoos i recommend getting tattoos in coverable areas so you don't jeopardize a job.
Edited 7 years ago
Spend wisely 14 comments
· 7 years ago
A $10 bag is not worth buying either. It will last about a month and you'll end up having keep buying $10 bags often to replace them. You dont need to buy a $300 bag, but spending a little more on quality is a wiser decision than continually buying cheap poor quality products that don't last.
No words for this. 21 comments
· 7 years ago
There's nothing wrong with putting your kids on one of these leashes. They don't hurt them, they keep them safe, and they allow the child to have some freedom without being in danger. Some kids dont like to hold hands or be held, some kids with sensory issues or autism like their space even from their own parents. These leashes are made for kids, this is not some inhumane contraption she has on her child. she's not treating it any worse than her dog, in fact she cares more of the safety of her child than her dog. I think it's strange when people put their dogs in a stroller but it's not hurting anyone just like these toddler leashes aren't hurting anyone.
Tweet of the year 71 comments
· 7 years ago
This case isn't as simple as people are allowed to do whatever they please with their business and their beliefs. The reason is because Colorado, where this took place, has a public accommodation law. The law meaning businesses are not allowed to refuse customers service based on discrimination of marital status amd sexual orientation. The bakery owner knows of this law, in order to get his business license, he agreed to these terms. By refusing them service he broke this law and can easily have his business license revoked. The owner claims its violates his freedom of speech/expression but it is up to the supreme court to decide if cake is a form of speech/expression. Especially if the cake, and the expression behind it, belong to those of the baker or the customer purchasing the cake
Tweet of the year 71 comments
· 7 years ago
The couple did not sue the bakery though, they didn't take any sort of legal action against him but reported him. This all took place in Colorado, a state that has a public accommodation law that does not allow a business to refuse service based on discrimination such as this. The owner of the bakery has repealed the complaint stating it was in violation of his freedom of speech and the supreme court is deciding whether or not a cake is a form of speech/expression. According to the Colorado law, he broke the law and he's not legally allowed to refuse them service based on discrimination. He may be allowed to have those beliefs himself, but isn't allowed to discriminate his customers in this way. But its up to the supreme court to decide if cake is a protected form of speech/expression.
Snow in Sahara. Yup. We definitely need some of that global warming. 14 comments
· 7 years ago
The reason its uncommon to snow in deserts is not the temperature, as it can easily get below freezing especially at night, its the precipitation. Just as rain is uncommon in deserts, so is snow. Usually it is just very cold during winter and especially so at night, but there's never usually enough moisture to actually snow.
Even the water is not a piss 4 comments
· 7 years ago
His show was not meant to show you how well he could survive in the wild, it was obvious he could, but to show the viewers what to do in certain dangerous situations. This is why he would purposely put himself in dangerous situations, so he could show you how to survive them. Such as the time he purposely jumped into a frozen lake and showed several tactics to prevent hypothermia. He doesn't survive off bugs during filming, but shows you common areas they may hide and nutritious bugs to eat. Also showing how to find drinkable water and signs to look out for to test if the water is safe to drink. He was meant to teach the viewers to survive, not to actually brave the wilderness like survivor man.
Heking bamboozled 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Its a reference to the little prince, a book/ movie. He makes a drawing of the top photo, that he shows to other people and everyone thinks its drawing of a hat, but what he actually drew was a snake that ate an elephant.
This slide has speed boosters 12 comments
· 7 years ago
These things were nearly as bad as razors, they would break fingers and rip out chunks of hair (with scalp skin attached at times) and snag loose clothing items. Most of these had to be removed really quickly because so many kids were getting hurt or stuck in the rollers.
Someone gift this guy a fedora already 26 comments
· 7 years ago
He's become so pompous, it doesn't take a genius to realize there is a massive population of non-Christians that still celebrate Christmas. Both the majority of the American population and the global population celebrate Christmas so why make it sound like celebrating Christmas is only done by a minority of the population. Just wish everyone a merry Christmas or happy holidays and don't be rude wishing everyone a happy Monday.
Ken M would be proud 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I could understand this being a precaution taken for hiring flight attendants, but it says they do it for all female employees, meaning the ones working within the airport as well, which is pretty messed up.
I'm surprised this wasn't written with expletives to be honest 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Most of the experiences I've had, they leave it at the door. But it highly depends on what service is delivering the package and what's in the package. They usually will not leave such things as computers, phones, or other pricey electronics. FedEx usually won't leave anything, but they don't always require a signature, they just check if someone is home. UPS is a bit more lax and will just leave it but occasionally will require a signature and won't leave it if it requires a signature. USPS usually will leave it in your mailbox or porch. But the experiences may differ depending on area your from and what's in the package.
Giggity doggity 7 comments
· 7 years ago
This study showed that sleeping with your dog in the room helped participants sleep, but it showedhaving your dog sleep in the same bed as you actually hinders your sleep.
Thanks, but I'd rather wait and have one that works 10 comments
· 7 years ago
But you can't just wait and have a relationship that lasts, you'll never know if the relationship will work unless you give it a try. Of course, obviously if you know beforehand that the relationship isn't go to work, then I agree that's a waste of time and heartache. Even if you believe that relationship will last, it may not. It's a gamble, you'll always have to go out on a limb hoping that the person will be "the one", whether they are or they aren't. Be choosy on who you date, but you won't know if the relationship will last until you take that leap of faith and date each other.
NASA cares about Earth-chan's feelings 13 comments
· 7 years ago
I think it's supposed to be moon-senpai, he's got craters on his shirt and the toothpick is supposed to be the flag planted there.