

— Kittlez Report User
Timothy... That's not a bad idea, actually 3 comments
kittlez · 4 years ago
There was a whole radio thing when a woman called in and said the deer signs should be moved. It's on youtube.
First world problemzzzzz 6 comments
kittlez · 4 years ago
17 but separate rooms lol
Stylists of the Caribbean 3 comments
kittlez · 4 years ago
Mmmmm nope DEFINITELY has never made my hair feel soft or has removed dandruff... Hate it!
My (first) bonsai looks like he is scratching his ass 5 comments
kittlez · 4 years ago
I am groot? XD
This is way too accurate! 3 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
This couldn't be more accurate!!
There's No Place Like Google 9 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
This is awsome!
Did some Googling. This seems most suspect 6 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Did this remind anyone of the movie year one!?!
Of course it is 11 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
LOL not in Toronto! XD everyone on the road has an attitude. No exceptions LOL
My life right now 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Not gonna lie this happened to me, i left my ex and while we were together i was over weight and i lost so much weight within 1 month after!
Jesus, Joe 7 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Almost pissed myself laughing!! XD
Don't let your dreams become memes 14 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Ive followed my dreams as far as i could....and now i cant get a job.... hmm ironic!
Always a way out democracy 6 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Them girls sayin Trudeau be lookin like a snack!
compliment your bf 6 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Lol all i get is an "I know" XD
How it do be 3 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Ill take it too! These are rookie numbers! We need to pump up thoes numbers!! XD
Wrong stark 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Literally just watched end game last night and wouldn't have been able to get this one if i hadn't
Why am I stressed then? 10 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Its the point that you can, but the worry is if you can afford to spend spare money on cake lol
How I feel about my college degree 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
School to be a flight attendant.
Still gonna miss him 2 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
I wish i had somthing like this :(
How I feel about my college degree 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Flight services
How I feel about my college degree 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
I feel like ive waisted every penny i spent at college for literally nothing!!
The irony is strong with this one 8 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Exactly why i wont have children! Dont have tattoos either!
Thank you god 2 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Inserts *am i a joke to you?* meme! XD
Pants missing 5 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Cmon patrick! How many times have i told you to keep your pants on!? XD
PRANKED 6 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
I wish it stayed with Anthony and Ian it was way better then
PRANKED 6 comments
kittlez · 5 years ago
Anyone notice that Ian Hecox from Smosh made the post? XD