

kittycat Report User
Got you, bro 20 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
They can either go off here, or waaaaay over there. The distance would be courteous
FIshy Fun Day #43: Guessing Game Edition 13 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
This person takes requests from people and edits the photos in unexpected and mischievous 10 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Except she specifically said she wanted to see what it was like to "be pretty for once". She's obviously got some issues with the way she looks and he decided it was better to address that line specifically rather than fulfill her request
X Æ A-12 FOEVER 6 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
The video I saw of Elon describing it was X "Ash" A-12
Noobs are people too 6 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Essentially, a noob is a new player of a game. No experience with it, and still learning how to play
Look at that Food 5 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Good job. You're teaching them to objectify women
Because that's what heroes do 9 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Looks like khakis to me. The pockets are bunched up right next to the hem of his shirt
Annihilation: 100 5 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
The one about the mom pretending to be 11 to catch pedophiles is both terrifying and uplifting, because she works with a team of people and the police to document everything and to help develop some child-protecting software. The terrifying part is that there is a lot of scum prowling on social media
Just twin things 9 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Even from just one set, they would still be half-siblings genetically. The post does lack that clarification though
Algebra lessons 13 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Then whoever transcribed the equations into flowers made a mistake.
Typically, these picture equations are adjusted visually to catch those who aren't paying close attention. I did the math using only the pictures of the flowers, which is why I got 25.
Yellow flower + red flower + blue flower (with 4 petals) = 25
Algebra lessons 13 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
25. There are only 4 petals on the blue flower in the last one, and 5 on it in the previous equations
· Edited 5 years ago
School life 3 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
If you're going for professionalism in your essays, you shouldn't be using contractions to begin with
Interior decoration: Next level 2 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is an educational exhibit in a museum. No dentist would expect all their patients to sit on hard/sharp plastic teeth for any period of time
Hate when this happens 9 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
If it's occasional and goes away pretty quickly it could just be your ears "calibrating". They do that every once in a while
Gentleman level 9999 3 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Took me a bit to see it, but he's holding her high heels, and she's wearing his shoes
Sad times 12 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Fair enough, I misinterpreted what you meant. Whether or not to have kids is an important factor in SO selection, and I wish you the best of luck!
Sad times 12 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Don't let people ruin your dreams! We need people to be good parents and raise a good responsible new generation!
Very relatable 17 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
They look like big okra to me
Dont be lacist! 2 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Those white people aren't even in order!
I hate them, more than I hate skyler white 4 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Does that "influencer" have pink-eye? O.o
Mr. Airline being a jerk 2 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
If you had a job at an airport shifting luggage around from plane to plane, you wouldn't want to toss around 100+ pound bags either. It's not about the total weight on the plane, but more of a union-mandated rule to protect those workers from getting that one bag that's secretly full of rocks and throwing out their back trying to get it on a plane and being unable to work anymore
Edit: fixing autocorrect issues
14 · Edited 5 years ago
I'd love to see this take off 1 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
It's too late for him. He's already a father
Ya'll 4 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
And yes, I understand that this is also supposed to be sharing something funny, but it was time for me to rant a bit about societal hypocrisy. Sorry
Ya'll 4 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
There was a post on here that I saw yesterday about that letter to parents from Lego. It was about how you should let children (I think people in general) make what they want, from the things they have available to them (such as Legos or emojis) and not criticize or ridicule them, but rather encourage and appreciate their efforts. And since when is it "white" to find joy/entertainment in making a silly little joke and wanting to share that smile with a friend? The original texter found something funny and wanted to share it with the other person. Shame on them for mocking their friend when they were trying to spread a piece of happiness
Todays Society Way of Thinking, Funny but Sad 4 comments
kittycat · 5 years ago
Awfully bold of him to assume that liking being choked means someone has daddy issues