Manly tears were shed 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Staaahp! This anime is so sad! ;-;
Holy hell 32 comments
How they filmed powerpuff girls 14 comments
Difference between you and eggs? 12 comments
Omg look at this! You know you'd buy it 22 comments
And I thought our generation was bad 42 comments
· 11 years ago
To be quite honest, I don't understand either .__. But You should watch the show. It's family friendly, and humorous in certain aspects :3
And I thought our generation was bad 42 comments
Difference between you and eggs? 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I cannot recount how many times this girl made me cry in that anime <3 love her ^-^
Cyberbullying 36 comments
· 11 years ago
For those saying 'just turn it off', you have to remember that kids haven't developed that kind of resilience yet. Also, it's very likely that they're bullied by the same person irl. Not only that, but chances are they have to see the person bullying them almost everyday at school, work, or even home and be the only one conscious of what that person has said to/about them.
And in the modern world you can't just 'shut it off'.
Not just because schools, businesses, jobs, and other things are incorperating technology...But because the internet is a bit of a safe haven. I mean, look at some of the people on imgur, reddit, where, funsubstance and even 4chan... Those communities are mike big families, most people (especially awkward teens such as myself and many victims of cyberbullying) see communities like this as a safe haven.
So, before saying 'just shut it off', ask yourself if you would be able to. :/ Honestly.
Sorry for long comment <3
Edited 11 years ago
And in the modern world you can't just 'shut it off'.
Not just because schools, businesses, jobs, and other things are incorperating technology...But because the internet is a bit of a safe haven. I mean, look at some of the people on imgur, reddit, where, funsubstance and even 4chan... Those communities are mike big families, most people (especially awkward teens such as myself and many victims of cyberbullying) see communities like this as a safe haven.
So, before saying 'just shut it off', ask yourself if you would be able to. :/ Honestly.
Sorry for long comment <3
Cyberbullying 36 comments
· 11 years ago
I think SHE'S the one who has been bullying, and her parents are making her sell her stuff.
What now? 9 comments
· 11 years ago
There was once a kid in my history class who was complaining about having so much homework, and my history teacher slammed down his book, and was like, "YOU WANNA FRICKIN' GO, SON?! YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" And later in the day, in a different class the kid got a randsom letter delivered to him that said, "You and Me, 3 o'clock, bike rack. We'll settle this like men."
Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave 33 comments
Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave 33 comments
the voice 25 comments
· 11 years ago
John dimmagio is also the voice of shcnitzel from 'Chowder' If anyone remembers that show :3
The customer is always right 15 comments
Solar-bear! 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Been staring at this while listening to 'Rap God' ...I can't stop laughing.
The world is doomed 64 comments
· 11 years ago
As a teenage girl, this really ticks me off -__- what about those of us who aren't completely insane? Or cock pigeons? Or whores?
Disrespectful paparazzi 9 comments
· 11 years ago
You know, i actually believe that Kanye KNOWS exactly how the public sees him.
And I think he does this kind of thing on purpose. To keep the public's eye on him. .__. for like, publicity and stuff. Because when you look at his behavior, in the big picture, they SHOULD have dragged him off to a mental hospital a long time ago, because he seems pretty much delusional. But no one has.
So...is he really a raging lunatic, or is it just a show?
And I think he does this kind of thing on purpose. To keep the public's eye on him. .__. for like, publicity and stuff. Because when you look at his behavior, in the big picture, they SHOULD have dragged him off to a mental hospital a long time ago, because he seems pretty much delusional. But no one has.
So...is he really a raging lunatic, or is it just a show?
That is why wide-angle lenses are needed 4 comments
Try not to cry 52 comments
· 11 years ago
There is more, with more pics :3