When will the madness end 4 comments
· 5 years ago
But paint the robot black and then they say they're trying to connect to slavery.
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan? 6 comments
I still remember how it used to be 3 comments
Not sure what to type here 3 comments
5000 pieces later 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Annnnnd..... that's when my cats would come tearing through the room.
Hidden in case you don't want Sadsubstance 17 comments
Hidden in case you don't want Sadsubstance 17 comments
Hidden in case you don't want Sadsubstance 17 comments
So you're telling me there is a chance 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Memories aren't carried in DNA. Genes are what carried in DNA. If we did clone this dog, it would be exactly the same, PHYSICALLY. The mental part of it is developed over time. Put it this way. It's like we went back and time and took the dog the moment it was born so it doesn't have any memories or recollection. This is the best explanation I can give without looking at facts.
Quick update to this: memories can be transferred through DNA but they're not... memories. It's... Like how some animals know to eat this but not that? Here's an article that explained it better than I did. But for sure, it wouldn't remember an owner.
One reason they don't have exactly the same personality is that cloning isn't like you see in the movies. A clone is not the same age as the original. It doesn't have the same memories. It only shares the same DNA. https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask147
Edited 6 years ago
Quick update to this: memories can be transferred through DNA but they're not... memories. It's... Like how some animals know to eat this but not that? Here's an article that explained it better than I did. But for sure, it wouldn't remember an owner.
One reason they don't have exactly the same personality is that cloning isn't like you see in the movies. A clone is not the same age as the original. It doesn't have the same memories. It only shares the same DNA. https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask147
Very rare sight of a car about to give birth on the road 1 comments
· 6 years ago
i didnt read this right and i thought it said cat and i looked everywhere for a damn cat
Talk to your dog 16 comments
· 6 years ago
OK lookie here doggo this is a toilet and *shit i only have 5 sec left* soupoopinhereandpressthisandthenpoopgoesaway
Pomeranian of your nightmares! 4 comments
Did this lady seriously just throw me? 2 comments
Well that escalated quickly! 10 comments
The more you know.. 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Wait so its a pyramid because the hieroglyphics were flat, therefore the egyptian people were flat
and then we got blown up by god and gained 3d ness
Edited 6 years ago
and then we got blown up by god and gained 3d ness
Unexpected 3 comments
The more you know.. 5 comments
Rich...Don't forget rich 9 comments
· 6 years ago
He went from "I'll have her home by nine sir" to "Your daughter calls me daddy too"
Daily Dose of Cute October #1 3 comments
Speech -100 18 comments
· 6 years ago
ok i think i have a rough translation:
"has anyone even gone far enough to decide to look like this?"
"has anyone even gone far enough to decide to look like this?"