This is the fight that I would love to see. Who wins? 24 comments
· 9 years ago
mrclever, I don't remember that episode....at least not anything about her being Hades daughter, I always thought they stuck with the clay birth story in all the animated stuff. Even so, even if she is its still technically canon. DC basically considers the animated shows their own universe so whatever happens there and in their comic book extensions (the ones based off the tv series I mean) is canon. Technically.
This is the fight that I would love to see. Who wins? 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Umm, no. Wonder Woman for one is based off the Amazons mentioned in Greek Mythology. Now is Diana Prince herself, or Wonder Woman mentioned in OUR Greek mythology, no but the amazons, her race are. Also as of New 52 she is indeed the daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus. They decided to make her clay birth story a lie she and others were told so that Hera would not punish her since Zeus once again could not keep it in his pants.So..actually, you're wrong. Especially since the picture of WW in this post is from the New 52 era, it's best to assume they want a battle between Thor and the current Wonder Woman.
This is the fight that I would love to see. Who wins? 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Guest, wonder woman's main role is to give women a hero. Now while she does have sex appeal that's not why she was created. In fact a lot of her traits and such came from the mind of the creator's wife. She's was ceased to basically show that you can be badass and pretty at the same time. And quite frankly, I don't think I've ever seen Wonder Woman submisive, of anything it's her ability to dominate that turns people on.
I mean, he is called "the merc with a mouth" and they sealed his mouth 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I like deadpool but at the same time I think a lot of people don't seem to understand he's a particular brand of funny/antihero that doesn't appeal to everyone and honestly probably has a smaller audience then say, like you said, iron man or traditional heroes.
And that really goes for just about anything, I mean, I don't like Will Ferrel nor do I think he's funny. But yeah, PDA for everyone who didn't get it, not everyone likes the same things. It just applies especially to sick dark humor.
And that really goes for just about anything, I mean, I don't like Will Ferrel nor do I think he's funny. But yeah, PDA for everyone who didn't get it, not everyone likes the same things. It just applies especially to sick dark humor.
antman is with Cap? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
This makes me really wonder about how they're setting up Civil War though. Because Black Panther was on Caps side in the comics and Ant-Man (Pym) was on Tony's...Scott want even around.
Good point 35 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay but how about we look at the lack of black Country artists...like seriously. Off the top of my head I can only think of three- Charley Pride, Darius Rucker, and Cowboy Troy and I'm not sure Cowboy Troy counts. Most hip pop artists are black and/or mixed yet MTV awards are okay? Award shows based on talent is what we need. It's unfortunate there's a racial factor period. BET should be gone yes, but they're should be more minority actors on all the other shows/networks. The Oscars are predominantly white but then...most actors are caucasian...going after the Oscars isn't the problem. It's those involved in creating movies and such that need to change and have more minority occupied roles.
I had to 8 comments
· 9 years ago
The Fine Bros, famous for their reaction videos on YouTube, apparently had the idea of creating a license to sell people so that they too can create their own react videos, despite the fact that the idea has been around longer than the Fine Bros. And so, if anyone were to create a reaction video (aka a "reaction" as this post describes it) the Fine Bros could sue them.
Personally I don't get why it's such a big deal.
Personally I don't get why it's such a big deal.
rektpool 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Just because it's not grim dark stuff does not mean it's strictly for children. On top of that, Spiderman was created in the 60's, Superman in 1939. You just skipped an entire two decades of other heroes and antiheros that had plenty of grim dark stuff. Superman was created by two teens for themselves. More superheroes were created off that popularity and to continue the growth or comicbooks in general which featured other things like horror tales and soldiers and these comics were actually predominantly read by American soldiers overseas during the World Wars.
My friend is scarred from Fanfics and she won't stop telling me about them 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I read a lot of fanfic but I've never come across anything quite like that.
Science of cooking for the geeks out there 14 comments
The more I look at it the harder I laugh !! 8 comments
Birth of Friends and Death of Friend(ships) 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't see how being really into something is a problem. That's like saying having a passion for football is a problem. Books and TV shows are hobbies to. Some people even make a life out of them. I honestly think you're generalizing way too much.
perfect 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Sometimes. This creepy sucked. It wasn't really good acting in my opinion.
perfect 14 comments
· 9 years ago
This is literally the only Johnny Depp role I do NOT like. Gene Wilder did a better Willy Wonk. Depp was just...creepy.
Seriously that guy will mess you up. 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Honestly it depends on what storyline you're reading. At times it was an psychological fear created by the Guardians, other times it's a phobia he developed after witnessing the death of his race and in some versions, fire itself is so chaotic that it messes with his telepathy or something.