

KnightAngel Report User
who agrees 18 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
The Collector
The Uninvited
The Visit
Give me a second I can think of more, I have to mentally go through the whole movie to make sure there are no stupid decisions, but none of these have one that I can think of
This guy talks about surviving prison ninja shakedowns 59 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Here's some pessimistic philosophy: murder, rape, child molestation, torture, are some of the most human things someone can do. Animals do not torture their prey for hours, days, sometimes even YEARS. Animals do not sexually abuse their young, (although sometimes they do eat them). Animals do not rape for sexual pleasure, and animals do not kill other animals for no reason other than to satisfy some sexual need or an inner desire to kill. Only humans do these things. So, really, murderers and rapists are indeed human.
The most british headline ever 4 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
The true crisis
If one thing happened, not the other 16 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Wait what. Are you in love with your cousin?
Say no more fam 3 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
He has chu
Little league 9 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
My grandpa needs to read this sign
Grade makes no sense 6 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
This is so true it hurts
Life is good 5 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
What if I told you that perhaps you're a metal head because your parents are metal heads?
What an inspirational story 4 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Of course his parents have a good marriage. He's from Marvel, not DC
Amazing color pencil drawing of Deadpool 6 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Lol avoiding drawing hands like a pro. I applaud you sir/ma'am
Ex Marine demonstrates clever way to survive from drowning using your pants 7 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Yep this is part of Navy swim quals too. We learn this in RT
The structure of a tear 17 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Every teenage girl in the world needs to buy a microscope so we can figure why the FUCK we're crying now
That really got out of hand fast. 7 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
I like how far this is going, please continue
Giddy up Goldie 6 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
You really know your toads
Giddy up Goldie 6 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
But for real though why you do dis frog?
Caught them having public sex on my property 7 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Ugh what is this world coming to. So disrespectful...smh
The best Kardashian photo ever 10 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
What's weird is that in the first picture she's in front of the door, the for the next three she's somehow behind it...
Life is what you make it 11 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Dont worry, your username explains it for us
stop 2 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Where do these frightening images come from
What if I told you 16 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
God there was this 30 something year old woman in my Amerixan Government class and we were watching the Republican debate and she asked if all of the candidates would be on the ballot. Another time she thought that Trump was a Democratic candidate and was just in the Republican candidate debates because "they got to choose" which platform to speak too. She got a fucking 3.8 in that class
f*ck weed, legalize my mom 39 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
There is a difference between excusing and understanding. I think that most people get in illegal immigration arguments like we see above because they are misunderstanding each other's motives. It has been my experience that those who "defend" illegal immigration are not in reality defending it or excusing it, they want the other party to see the horror or what have you from which they came and that it forced them to come here illegally and just simply understand. Not accept the action, but understand the reason.
f*ck weed, legalize my mom 39 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
From a criminal justice standpoint I whole heartedly agree, but from my humanity standpoint, I can't help but think that there are at least a few situations where coming in illegally is a small price for what it was that they were running from. I can't help but see things from all perspectives, that's how Philosophy in Society class fucked me up haha
f*ck weed, legalize my mom 39 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
I hate to intervene, but you make it sound like every Hispanic immigrant wants to get on welfare or is on welfare. You can look it up, or trust me when I tell you that, by race, nearly every single welfare program is dominated by white folks. SNAP, for instance, a food stamp program, 40% of those in the program are white, as compared to only 10.3% Hispanic. Overall, 38.8% of those that rely on welfare are white, as compared to 15.7% Hispanic. You also make it sound like it's super easy to get on welfare, its not. As a University student, I've heard dozens of my peers talk about their struggles as single mothers in school and working, and being rejected by the welfare program. You have to be in near extreme poverty to qualify.
Armed Forces & Free Shit 36 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
Yea, I have to say that nearly everyone at my community college was there with the same exact plan that I had: get a two year degree, then transfer to University as a junior to get my bachelor's. That's what most students do because those two years at a community college save you about $10,000 in tuition. So, I'm going to have to say that you're wrong in saying that most students at community college are there because of poor grades. Its simply the smarter thing to do financially.
You high bro? 5 comments
knightangel · 9 years ago
I laughed too much