

— knockdown209 Report User
And no nasty vaccines to protect us thanks! 14 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Do it for the gains!!
And no nasty vaccines to protect us thanks! 14 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
I dont see why people can't just eat certain things without having a bitch about it it, if something is preventing your corn from looking like this, leave it there and stop complaining.
Redo everything? 4 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Every dogs dream
So accurate atm 18 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Ay where I live it gets so hot that I wake up in a pool of sweat, darling downs region
Sounds about right 21 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
In Australia we just have different variations of yeah nah that can suit probably every answer
Interesting family 10 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Oh god
See? Everyone can read music 9 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Trying to read that was annoying because of timing lol
Write any thing you loved in the old generation 10 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Yeah, so that was her day, now it's ours and we can do things the way we want
"Place doughnuts on your front door everyday at 5 am sharp" 6 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Nah that one was newer, this one has more photos and different context.
It's Never The One In Front 7 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Lol you all gonna hate me because when I look at something I put it behind the one that was just behind it so anyone who is buying one will buy the fresher one.
Dogs are evolving 12 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Does it really make you feel that good that you have to go and shit on people's rainbows?
Dogs are evolving 12 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Hello fuckin superintendent spoilsport
What a cool excuse 6 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Idk where to find it, I saw it on imgur I think.
Your horoscope for today 2 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
The stars and planets actually do effect your life. For example, if one of them were to crash into you, you would die.
What a cool excuse 6 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Lol this was actually real, the post doesn't show the replies
Japan man made beach 9 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Because their water is too fucked and the view is shit
When I try to express myself 4 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Well.. all that thinking would be pretty hard to put into words
f*ck you 2016, god save the queen! 37 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Didn't Betty white die?
Guys.... What the hell did just read? 6 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
I'm actually so sick of seeing it copy and pasted on nearly every facebook post I come across.
Tinder experience in a nutshell 10 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
That guy looks like the singer in system of a down he just doesn't have all the facial hair
If this isn't me 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Is that steve-o?
Congratulations people 11 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Or we are people who are raised in a world where these other people are rarely spoken of and she is always on the news and internet, but hey we are the dickheads aren't we
Trying to help a friend out , lets bring him home. 12 comments
knockdown209 · 8 years ago
Mad haha and it's like 2:30 I've been up for 25 hours now and I plan to sleep and watch supernatural for the rest of my holidays
Trying to help a friend out , lets bring him home. 12 comments
knockdown209 · 8 years ago
Thank you, you are an awesome human being and I know I'm an asshole
Like cute tiny people cursing like hell 47 comments
knockdown209 · 8 years ago