

— knockdown209 Report User
Be smart guys 7 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Yeah ay haha only really experimented with icecream
Be smart guys 7 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Stick your dick in cookie dough ;)
Be smart guys 7 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Best best case: Sex and cookies
Yah I just searched it on amazon. Cant see what im looking for 48 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
You can't buy love
Panda flies an aeroplane like a human 8 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Oh wow thats awesome, not too surprises that the panda gets it too haha japan is hardcore about them
Panda flies an aeroplane like a human 8 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Im pretty certain that i read this was a fake panda but i could be wrong
Douglas adams always knew 16 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
They are correct in EVERy language
Yah I just searched it on amazon. Cant see what im looking for 48 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
E for everything i want
He finally woke up. 11 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Rip i accidentally ate a whole pack of brownies once
We should fund this 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
What if there was an option to choose time period?
How to destroy the world 29 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Yeah true enough haha and nah but my mate shazza is
How to destroy the world 29 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Hahaha what did we do
S̶t̶e̶r̶e̶o̶ Mono 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Not really i bought a $200 turtle beach set a few years ago and they still work perfectly
S̶t̶e̶r̶e̶o̶ Mono 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
One side doesnt work while the other sounds good
Except you're at war with yourself. 16 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
No because it was a thing of responsibility and cleaning up after yourself not some bullshit about men being scares of bloody clothes
The real size of pluto 7 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Its already its own country and continent so why not
Agents of shield 16 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Second of all, how dare you
I'll take shit that never happened for 500 please 36 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Ok guys lets assume this is real, (i know, assuming is a no no right?) What do you see in movies when the boy and girl have a argument and she tries walking away, the boy pulls her back trying to prove that he really does love her and yadayada. We dont know that the boy was trying to harass the girl maybe he just wanted to prove to her that he likes her instead of just rolling over because that isn't how shit gets done. Now we have an innocent boy who is trying to show he likes this girl and what happens? He gets punched in the face for it humiliating him and fuckin up his reputation which could lead to all sorts of problems. So if you guys think its okay to just go and punch someone for trying to prove a point, you are whats wrong with the world.
The hero we need but didn't ask for 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Well its alright if the teenagers rude but if its just some kid getting a drink so they can take a photo why intentionally go out of ya way just to ruin their fun?
It really does work every time 12 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Hail to the king doesn't
I approve of this law 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
I was just restating the joke for some people who might miss it admiral asshole
I approve of this law 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Most suicide bombers get the death penalty already lmao
What is the U.K., a football match? 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Funny how a bombing was the same ending lol
Danger 5 comments
knockdown209 · 7 years ago
Get shower floor mats that grip and its all g