

— knockdown209 Report User
Wait...What?? 3 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Nah it says sex, shes cucking him
Cut you off 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Probs saw the kid and dad before at daycare
The man, the legend 17 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Prove that random people can do anything they set their minds to
The man, the legend 17 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Honestly everyone gives this dude shit and only speaks about the negatives, he believes the earth is flat which is wrong but moving on. He wanted to prove his point and he stuck with it. He went on to build a rocket and actually strapped himself and launched himself 1875ft into the air. How many of you can say you have ever done something that fuckin cool??
Dishonor! 25 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Yea i knew u meant it as that but hopefully there will be someone who will think its serious and then read my comment and make them think before commenting
Dishonor! 25 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Im sane and your taking offence doesnt mean shit.
Dishonor! 25 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
But.. the poor koala never hurt anyone, only his pissed off cousin the drop bear
Dishonor! 25 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
What the FUCK did the koala do?!
Monty Python as its best 6 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
But which one, i watched monty python and the holy grail and i cant remember seeing that
Monty Python as its best 6 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Whats this from?
Being a skinny guy 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Thats why i dont go to the cinemas to watch big new movies straight away because there is always idiots there who scream and cry and carry on ruining the movie
Don’t worry, you’ll get ‘em next time 4 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Rip my name is Ethan and i have a mate named Jake
Why android? 3 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Second sentence takes on a whole different meaning in Australia
That's a hard one 19 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Depends what page the page number is on, if each of those numbers are back to back or seperate pages make the answer 6 or 3, it could even be alternating
This guy understands life 6 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Take the dive, having a root during shark week feels just the same for the dude and feels better for the chick
They need to teach history 17 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
They made the same sacrifices
They need to teach history 17 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Why not? People always glorify American soldiers and british soldiers? What's wrong with german soldiers, they are people as well. They fought the same war, just different sides.
Courtesy of the Flat Earth Society 29 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Man if australia dont exist plz explain this hot af weather i am gettin here right now holy hell
Australian animals are built to kill 17 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Tbh i live in australia and fuck man i didnt think our fucking birds were gonna pull a fast one on us
I thought it felt a little warm on the weekend 8 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
When You Hate Your Job But You Can't Quit Because People Will Make Fun Of You 11 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
When You Hate Your Job But You Can't Quit Because People Will Make Fun Of You
Australia is worried about climate change 14 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Our roads are melting and shit
No new me 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
I dont know if that makes any sense but i believe the meme is wrong because although the measure of time is a construct of humans, it will influence change and decisions we make
No new me 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Actually since we all have the same idea of time, we make decisions based off of it, companies doing changes don't do it randomly, they do it based off when it is the best time, i dont know if you can understand what I'm getting at but it isnt going to be the exact same, people can make different decisions because of the new year, a new company could start on the new year, the prices of gas could go up starting at the beginning of 2018
Ouch 2 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Well good thing it was posted again because i missed it the first time