

— knockdown209 Report User
13 years and several ass rips later 18 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Googled it, literally every article was either asking advice on how to stop or why it happens
Very true 12 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
I am both pc and guitar guy
Sun is everywhere 4 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
But the way he tried to defend makes it seem like hes talking about the actual sun
Revenge is a dish best served cold! 10 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
So what im gaining from this is there is a man who owns a shop and there was some starving people who want food but obviously didn't have anything to purchase it with so he refused them service in a really rude way and then the natives being so "peaceful and absolutely justified" in their way murder him and fuck with his corpse? I think the natives were just fuckin savages and shouldn't be glorified for committing those sorts of acts. "Karma" my ass and call me racist and an asshole all ya want its like music to me because you can't give a proper argument
Not a meme 7 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Yea its a super strong muscle in proportion to its size
Not a meme 7 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Holy shit didnt realise how big it was
Shark vs birb 2 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
no ty
Perfect coffee 3 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Thats not perfect, ur gonna get a sip of harsh af coffee and then boring old milk
I would 18 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Grab it and clamp his jaw shut, they have mad crushing pressure but very little strength in opening the jaws, a firm grip ia all is really needed, once i know it cant bite me i will grab the money and then let go on jaw and run like a motherfucker
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Why science teachers should not be given playground duty 6 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Why science teachers should not be given playground dut
I got'em 9 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
And that dog looks like it would be able to drag her and and all her friends weight along for the ride to the person, not to savage them but to give petite licks because its good boy
I got'em 9 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Well I don't blame ya, I wouldn't try stopping the cunt haha
Old people things 7 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Im 17 and ive had one for four years
This is actually just one picture 9 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Yea i can see it, the white brick thing is a roof that is covering over the edge of the green leaves
What the f**k is vegemite? 23 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Marmite is shit, vegemite is where its at
*Thanos intensifies* 16 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
It has something to do with energy i think
Oh my goodness!! 16 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Geez you sure showed him, pointing out what could easily be a typo from typing fast, everyone in this comment section is now blessed from witnessing you so tactfully show him whos the moron
I lol'd 13 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Stop fuckin posting spoilers without making them hidden you dogs
The only reason why Thanos managed to succeed in his mission 7 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Dude make this hidden tf
Where can I get these!? 10 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Lol if u guys ever figure something out id be keen to have a look at it because ive never played before and dont really know how it works but wanna give it a try
Shutdown 4 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
If I had no eyes... I'd become Daredevil 10 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
We can still sense colour in other ways, like if we were to go into the sun and go on two platforms. One is painted black, the other painted white, we would know one is a different colour because black absorbs more heat and would be warmer
Superman can't recover from that 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Well he is superman, he doesnt need to spend all his salary on rent and stuff like we do, all his salary has probs just been pooling in his account which should be able to cover it
The straw is even stronger 3 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Pinch the end of your straw shut, it increases the strength or some shit
Looks like Japan needs some freedom 5 comments
knockdown209 · 6 years ago
Because its a fun fact, dont be a sour cunt