Gamers 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I play league of legends but the only thing I'm good at is hitting someone when I panic,..
This kid knows what's up 15 comments
To all the girls on here. 28 comments
Bottom panel has been me lately. I'm obsessed. 26 comments
Like in American movies 32 comments
· 10 years ago
house parties are usually near stereotypical highschools. But everyone at my Highschool are actually really mellow
Club Penguin clearly has no sense of humor 9 comments
Tried out a new brand of bath bomb today 14 comments
· 10 years ago
lol in science we watched a video on a simulation of what it would be like if francium touched water.... A massive fucking wave
Talcum powder is the secret 5 comments
Tried out a new brand of bath bomb today 14 comments
· 10 years ago
sodium and potassium are both extremely reactive with water. Sodium , as far as I know will explode , and even catch on fire in water
Tried out a new brand of bath bomb today 14 comments
I'm waiting for the day that we can wear stuff like this in public 43 comments
· 10 years ago
I wish it was acceptable to wear the big ball gown dresses from 1800 England... Imagine how many weapons I could hide under my skirt
Scumbag brain 10 comments
Smooth as f*ck 24 comments
· 10 years ago
If someone compliments me I turn into this awkward mess of a person and regret for socializing because it's really awkward when I don't know what to say back .-.