Someone who hates humans, however, still unwillingly craves their attention
— Kurama_Otsutsuki Report User
A little fun fact! 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't get it.
Don't mind me 9 comments
This nightmare lurks the streets of Georgia 13 comments
But don't tell Grandma 3 comments
· 7 years ago
My mother is like this. Me and my sister are opposites. My sister wants everything and more while my mother practically begs me to get something. She knows I don't like getting things, but she found out my favorite animal is the Fox and Owl for the ground and sky respectively. So she does her best to buy anything that is a fox or owl. I have an entire shelf filled with necklaces, plushies, rock, dogtoy, and/or porcelain items all with either a fox or owl on it. She also bought me a plush doge thinking it was a fox XD.
You go, wonder girl 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Facts are facts regardless if they are "rude" or not. I can agree that posting things such as this *may be helpful as it may enact the placebo of people who have the cancer, but not too much and is insignificant. Studies in this only show that this only helps with handling the pain and discomfort - things that do not matter, but are nicer to not have.
Edited 7 years ago
You go, wonder girl 3 comments
· 7 years ago
No. You were not "tougher". The treatment was tougher. Your only role in this was to eat and drink. Instead of making signs, thank the people who did do something. You may "think" that it was your "willpower" that made you stay alive, but this is not true. You could've been in a coma and the outcome would've been the same.
Edited 7 years ago
And so it begins... What do you think? 32 comments
· 7 years ago
*I apologize for my mistake. Carmelita Jeter is not the fastest female. That belongs to Florence Griffith-Joyner at 10.49 seconds, set in 1988. However, my point still stands.
I agree. A transgender only competetion should be a thing. If trans-males(males who became females or whatever the term is) start to commonly participate in the female Olympics then no normal female will be able to win again.
I agree. A transgender only competetion should be a thing. If trans-males(males who became females or whatever the term is) start to commonly participate in the female Olympics then no normal female will be able to win again.
Hitler did say some great things 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Never forget that just because we think he's bad doesn't mean he is. Evil is subjective. Today we see it as an atrocity, but back then it was what he saw as the only/best option. Nobody is all bad nor all good. If the best ideas come from the worst person, so be it.
And so it begins... What do you think? 32 comments
· 7 years ago
There is a reason for the separation of genders. Men are much faster and stronger than women. This is a fact. Want to know a fun fact? Carmelita Jeter is the current holder of the fastest 100 meter dash at 10.64 seconds. She wouldn't have even qualified for the male 100 meter dash as the minimum speed is 10.18-10.24.
I'm not hating on women. I am just stating a fact. It's called Sexual Dimorphism.
Edited 7 years ago
I'm not hating on women. I am just stating a fact. It's called Sexual Dimorphism.
comfy 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Exactly. That's a pine tree. It will be leaking constant sap for the next few years. I know this. I have seen this.
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
· 7 years ago
It's not that were worried that you're going to die - not completely - but you are putting people in danger. You not get vaccinated puts the people who can't get vaccinations because of medical reasons at risk. Their life and health depends on the people's around them getting vaccinated. If you don't have a health problem that prevents you from getting vaccinated and you choose not to do so then you are putting your life and the people around you's life at risk.
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
· 7 years ago
No, You don't pass on antibodies to your children. Vaccination is like wearing a helmet on a motorbike. You think you don't need it, but when you get into a crash you wish you had one. The same applies to viruses. You don't want Vaccinations, but when you get Polio it's too late.
Some people are allergic to Vaccinations and react badly to them - but only because of malpractice on the giver or simply because it was not known they were allergic. That's like not getting wearing a helmet because your sister got a helmet, but it was too small and hurt her slightly.
Edited 7 years ago
Some people are allergic to Vaccinations and react badly to them - but only because of malpractice on the giver or simply because it was not known they were allergic. That's like not getting wearing a helmet because your sister got a helmet, but it was too small and hurt her slightly.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
That's like saying "I don't eat meat, but I'm not a vegetarian."
You don't need God to be good. People were good for tens of thousands of years before God and will still be good when we, finally, realize that Christianity belongs in the same area where Greek and Roman mythology sits.
I will stop trying to reason with you. Someone who is as indoctrinated as yourselves cannot be reasoned with. I only hope one day that you know that you are wasting the only life you have.
That's like saying "I don't eat meat, but I'm not a vegetarian."
You don't need God to be good. People were good for tens of thousands of years before God and will still be good when we, finally, realize that Christianity belongs in the same area where Greek and Roman mythology sits.
I will stop trying to reason with you. Someone who is as indoctrinated as yourselves cannot be reasoned with. I only hope one day that you know that you are wasting the only life you have.
Want to see some magic? 8 comments
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I am perfectly willing to worship Yahweh, but first you have to tell me why rape, murder, genocide, infanticide, racism, sexism, and countless other things are justified.
Also @222daisy Just read all those verses and not a single one mentions free will.
Faith is useless. Faith was a tool of the weak to manipulate the strong. Humanity is no longer in its infancy and doesn't need such fairy tales to explain reality.
I am not mocking you. I am pitying you. You are so caught up in your belief that you refuse to see the true beauty of reality. Take your time. If you want to convert me (Like a true Christian would do) give reasons. Why are you a Christian? Have you every personally talked to the Lord? Were you raised Christian? Have you read the entire Bible, cover to cover? The Quaran? Any other religious text? What would make you doubt your faith? Have you ever considered reading about other religions? What makes your faith better than a Muslim's?
Also @222daisy Just read all those verses and not a single one mentions free will.
Faith is useless. Faith was a tool of the weak to manipulate the strong. Humanity is no longer in its infancy and doesn't need such fairy tales to explain reality.
I am not mocking you. I am pitying you. You are so caught up in your belief that you refuse to see the true beauty of reality. Take your time. If you want to convert me (Like a true Christian would do) give reasons. Why are you a Christian? Have you every personally talked to the Lord? Were you raised Christian? Have you read the entire Bible, cover to cover? The Quaran? Any other religious text? What would make you doubt your faith? Have you ever considered reading about other religions? What makes your faith better than a Muslim's?
The magic conch 3 comments
Too bad we can't retroactively unvaccinate the antivacers 26 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not too sure, but it should. That is threatening the life of you, your child, and everyone else your child comes into contact with - directly or indirectly.
Karma is a beautiful thing 2 comments
· 7 years ago
It's their damn job, stop hating.
It's their damn job, stop hating.
That was helpful 30 comments
· 7 years ago
I do know that. Countless tests have been done and all come to the same conclusion - when you ignore the few who were encouraged (paid) by the Church.
I'm happy that your parent got through some rough times, but it probably had nothing to do with divine intervention, but rather the placebo effect. The placebo effect is where you believe something works, so it does. Doctors will sometimes give patients sugar pills, aka Placebo pills, and they actually do nothing, but because the patient believes they work, they do - if only slightly. It is a fascinating subject that I did not do justice, so I encourage you to do more research if you're interested.
I'm happy that your parent got through some rough times, but it probably had nothing to do with divine intervention, but rather the placebo effect. The placebo effect is where you believe something works, so it does. Doctors will sometimes give patients sugar pills, aka Placebo pills, and they actually do nothing, but because the patient believes they work, they do - if only slightly. It is a fascinating subject that I did not do justice, so I encourage you to do more research if you're interested.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
God is all knowing. All knowing means that he knows everything - past, present, and future. So he knows what you've done, are doing, and will do. So he already knows what you want, but just doesn't care. You also don't have free will. Name a single verse in the Bible where it says you have free will. Also, while you're at that, get the kill rate of Yahweh and compare it to Lucifer, Jack the Ripper, Hitler, etc... Let's see who's the worst. (Hint: It's God!)
All effects of prayer can be simulated without by using the placebo effect. The placebo effect, by the way, is basically a sugar pill. It's a fake pill that does nothing but the person believes it will help.
Why do you believe in God? I am open to being converted to Christianity, so give me some reasons why you're god is a more valid explanation than what science (e.g. evidence) suggests.
Edited 7 years ago
All effects of prayer can be simulated without by using the placebo effect. The placebo effect, by the way, is basically a sugar pill. It's a fake pill that does nothing but the person believes it will help.
Why do you believe in God? I am open to being converted to Christianity, so give me some reasons why you're god is a more valid explanation than what science (e.g. evidence) suggests.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I'll let you, the average religious person, believe what you like. But average (AKA Moderate) religious people give birth to people who abuse, kill, discriminate, and withhold the truth all in the name of their god.