

Someone who hates humans, however, still unwillingly craves their attention
Kurama_Otsutsuki Report User
Insane control 11 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Not really self control. I may take a look or two but I'd be too worried about it being a setup to actually get aroused.
PSA. If you want to send d*ck pics, please follow his example 17 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Probably an asshole trying to trick us into a false sense of security. I don't trust him.
Hasselhoff 6 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
HAhahahhahahhhahrbibwie kf kn *whheeezee** nfkwnjbgjldsng

Sorry, but that's the closest description my keyboard can give to what I just did.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
What even is? 2 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Fucking clever.
Retarded units 23 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
1 stone = 14 lbs = 6.3kg
Best. Tattoo. Ever. (definitely nsfw, so make sure no one else is lookin ) 13 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago

And the tattoos nice too.
Atheists in a nutshell 71 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
A four sided triangle cannot exist because a triangle is a shape within a two dimensional world. A triangle cannot even exist in our third dimension. If it doesn't have three sides then it isn't a triangle. It's basic fucking numbers.
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
3.) When the fundamentals of your religion encourage murder, hatred, and other shit then it is not the fault of the extremists - it is the fault of the religion.

4.) It's not just the past. It's the past, present, and foreseeable future that is terrible.
Damn right 13 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Violence is the last resort but it is a perfectly valid answer.
Why do girls wear this? 35 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Rose, you are starting to become a little clingy. Could you calm it down?
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Do I take offense? Not at all but you ARE talking as the opposition as you are supporting a person who supports hatred, misogyny, homophobia, rape, murder, and the list goes on. For everything supposedly good thing religion does, it can be traced back to terrible origins and hidden intentions.
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Faith is about deny evidence because you don't like it and you are confusing the correlation with causation. Just because good things happened to exist alongside religion doesn't mean religion is the cause. You are trying to imply that beauty cannot exist without religion which is simply not true.

1.) It doesn't matter if she's religious or not. She is still spreading what is essentially terrorism in a nice package.

2.) Yes, the absence of acceptance can lead to war but religion causes this. Simply look at how religion views women, gays, and other religious people. Religion supports acceptance among only itself and hatred among everyone else.

3.) Who cares? She says she is sympathetic but what she supports show quite the opposite. You can't say you support murder while claiming to be peaceful.

4.) Human beliefs are evolving - by shrinking. The time of believing is leaving and the time of knowing is rising. The fact that we are having this conversation proves this.
Atheists in a nutshell 71 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Atheism in of itself isn't logical, however logical thought leads to atheism. Walmart isn't a road but the roads still leads to Walmart.

It seems you believe that unless you know everything then you know nothing. You seem to hold that unless you can prove there is no god then it exists, however that is simply not true. As for the first claim, I do not need to know everything to know certainty. I KNOW that a four sided triangle cannot exist without knowing everything. I also don't have to know everything to know that there are no unicorns or dragons as Earth mythology claims. Allah, Yahweh, and countless other gods CANNOT exist by their very nature in the same way a four sided triangle cannot exist. These are not reasons but they are excuses to try to get around the burden of proof.
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Just because it looks pretty doesn't mean it's good. Everyone loves how a mushroom cloud looks but they never want to witness it. Faith is essentially knowing you're wrong but wishing you weren't.
Atheists in a nutshell 71 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
It is true that most serial killers are Atheist but that is only a side effect. Atheism is the result of looking at the facts from an unbiased perspective - which both psychopaths and sociopaths do by their very nature. They aren't fooled by the emotional aspects that theists try to trap you in due to their inability to be.
Why do girls wear this? 35 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Rose, you becoming trans does not bother me - I will always love you.

Also @hopeforall I was making a reference to FMA with the capitalized Truth. I would love to have a debate. I feel like shit rn so you start. But to be fair it is hardly a "debate" in the normal words. In my experience, it tends to be religious people just dancing over topics and trying to change the subject because they know that on an intellectual level they will never win.

So why did you become a Christian? What led you to it? Have you ever tried other religions? Have you read the Bible? Did you UNDERSTAND the Bible? What is your sex?
SJW thinks she spotted a KKK meeting, turns out to be nothing 9 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
This sums up all SJWs tbh
Different team 5 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Ellen is fucking amazing.
Why do girls wear this? 35 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Truth is rather difficult to find but you may find it if you do Human Transmutation.

Everyone is out to win an argument - that's why people comment on things like these. The problem is that nobody has ever actually beaten me in an argument on this website. It is expected as the people on this site tend not to be advanced theologians which I usually argue against. It's a bit of a shame to be honest.

As a side note, if you are truly looking for truth then you would be agreeing with me a lot more as all my arguments are truthful. Most of my arguments tend to be about the existence of god(s) - which has been debunked by thousands before me and anti-feminism - which is more of a logical debate.

Were you by chance talking about my humanity? It was shattered at a fairly early age which I believe not to have been early enough as remnants still remain. Not everyone can agree with me on some topics as they are a huge emotional debate that most fall prey to. Emotions are bad to have.
· Edited 7 years ago
Why do girls wear this? 35 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Well, she is a bit crazy but I still love her.
Why do girls wear this? 35 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago

Did someone just agree with me? Holy shit, that's like the first time anyone's openly agreed with me. I thought I was supposed to be the dude no one agreed with. Well, actually @rosebud is a pretty avid fan of mine. In fact, I think she goes across all my comments and likes each one. She's a bit shy about it though.
Keep It Closed If That's Not The Case 44 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Well, shit this guy is one of my favorites already.
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
I don't want to have to waste my time by adding a few nice words. It's like when my dad tried to nicely tell me my grandmother (His mother) died. Get to the fucking point. I already knew she was about to die and the fact you're crying and trying to tell me something verifies that, yes, she is dead. And then it was a whole bullshit mess because my sister got mad at me because I wasn't crying like she was and I had to admit that I didn't really care. I have no idea who the hell my grandmother was. My only real memories of her were drinking chocolate milk at her house when I was a around four years old. I didn't even know her middle name - so why should I waste my time crying for her?

That turned into a rant but the point still stands. I will never try to soften the facts and I dislike anyone who does.
Saving lives 64 comments
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Do I automatically hate Christians? Not at all - their default respect is lowered but it can be countered by other means such as usefulness. My first girlfriend was a Christian, we met at Church (I went because it was a temporary escape from the-bastard-who-abused-my-mother) and we dated for about a year or so.

In a completely opposite direction, I respect ISIS by default more than most Christians. At least ISIS actually follows their holy text. Not only do most religious people lose respect for being religious but also for not properly following said religion. If my daughter wanted to be a Muslim fine - and I'll treat her exactly as the Quran says she should be. I actually plan on teaching any children I find myself having to take care of about all religions - primarily, in the form they should be regarded, as bedtime stories.