Why You Should Support Trump 34 comments
· 8 years ago
He didn't call the entire nation rapists. He fully supports the people who come from Mexico if they come legally. Sure. You can hold a grudge on a presidential candidate because he doesn't exactly think before he says but by golly we need someone to open the eyes of our nation. He's been proving that political news stations lie every single day to manipulate the viewers opinions. And if you support Hilary that's fine. As long as you actually do your research and fully understand what each candidate is really for and what they've really done and accomplished in their past. I hate it when you hear people support Hilary because she's a woman.
Why You Should Support Trump 34 comments
· 8 years ago
And Obama just signed the UN to our nation to assist us with civil disobedience and terrorist attacks yet we don't need ANY assistance from another country. Our military is big enough to defend ourselves. Plus it isn't a simple election this year. This year will either decide if our country goes down in flames, or if we'll rise back up from the rubble of the last 8 years.
Why You Should Support Trump 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Sit there and tell me that you have never said anything racist or sexist in your life wether you meant it or jokingly. Cast the first stone if you're without sin....looks like no one will be throwing anything today.
Also when a man's failed company goes bankrupt, yet he still is a billionaire afterwards because of his other multimillion companies, then I don't see that as a problem.
Also when a man's failed company goes bankrupt, yet he still is a billionaire afterwards because of his other multimillion companies, then I don't see that as a problem.
No college deferments, rich and poor alike! 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Welcome to the first annual public services games. it's where once a year we get a certain amount of children and young adults and force them to do something against their will. Welcome to America. Where American's literally try and take away your right to be a free person. *slow claps*
Edited 8 years ago
Why You Should Support Trump 34 comments
· 8 years ago
i feel like people shouldn't be allowed to comment on this post without doing research on each candidate. Do your research and then tell me why a criminal is better than a billionaire who knows how to fix debt issues. Think before you speak.
Triggered 29 comments
· 8 years ago
When you look it up it doesn't show you 3 or 4 different pronouns. It shows 2. You're welcome.
Triggered 29 comments
· 8 years ago
No that's my point. Sex refers to male and female biologically and gender refers to male and female socially. There are no other genders.
If god could see us now 17 comments
· 8 years ago
We all are made with sinful instincts because we are imperfect. The whole point is to not hate on one another for acting out on our sins, but loving and guiding each other to the ultimate ending which is heaven. People always give Christians a bad rep because they don't care about what the non-crazy ones believe. They see one example of a bad Christian influence and decide everyone is like that.