Someone made the perfect perfume 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I rather smell a real book
american mulan 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Babysat a seven years old. She didn't know who Mulan was. Decided to educate her. After the movie, she turned to me and said, "That was stupid. She didn't even get a prince." Died inside a little. Couldn't even look at her after that. Never babysat that kid again
Really strange motivational poster 10 comments
· 10 years ago
The question "if everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?" is stupid. Hell yeah, I would. Why would I want to live if everyone dies? I would have to roam the Earth alone, seeing ghosts in every shadow, danger in every noise, haunted and consumed by the grief that all who I loved, my friends and family, had died. I would eventually go mad, craving for the company of anything other than the voices in my head which grow louder and more numerous by the day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and kill myself by jumping off the same cliff everyone else had, except there would be corpses lining the bottom so I wouldn't be fatally injured just paralyzed. Therefore I would probably die of dehydration, slowly and painfully, on top of the decaying bodies, surrounded by the buzzing of the swarming flies, hoping and praying that some wild animals would come and finish me off quickly. My last thought before the sweet release of death would be why, oh why, didn't I just do what everyone else did
Appearance of others 18 comments
Things that say a lot about people. 26 comments
So I found this carrot at work 8 comments