

— Lafayette Report User
Lifeguard dredd 11 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
As a certified lifeguard this made me very uncomfortable.... But okay...
good guy Sweden 10 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
America's huge. Sometimes it's -5 F in Montana and 120° in Florida or Texas. I live in the north. It gets cold. They would still rather be outside in the cold with the doghouse they're too dumb to use than locked in a 2ft x 4ft x 2ft box. It also gets to about 100°F here, but my dogs would still rather be outside. And before you ask, doggy doors would not be an option as wandering squirrels, raccoons, and skunks would take refuge in my house and make a huge mess. Rural areas are wierd, man. So the closest you could get to Sweden's law in the US would be providing water and shelter for dogs being left out in the elements for extended periods of time.
Then there would be the problem of deciding what is an adequate amount of water and what classifies as shelter.
So no, there shouldn't be a law similar to Sweden's everywhere because very few countries are similar to Sweden. You should just treat your dog with basic decency and if you aren't then the SPCA or equivalent will take care of it.
good guy Sweden 10 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Great concept. Doesnt work. If I'm gone all day on a day trip and the weather is really nice I'm going to leave my dogs outside with water and feed them as soon as I'm back. They would much rather be running aroung in their third of an acre for 8 hours than locked in, a box in my basement. Sorry.
Chivalry 11 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
This is the most Connor Murphy thing I have ever seen
Well, are you 2 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Also, goats. There's these cute goats by my house who have all shit bodies except for the head
Awesome skateboard trick 5 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
How I aspire to arrive at Pride.
Seasons greetings 8 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Okay then. thanks
PETA in a nutshell 7 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Basically PETA
Sounds like a fun kidnap 6 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
I've scrolled so far into this hell without realizing it. I thought this was gonna be Jack and Wiishu's pictures from Disney before realizing that was like, 1 month ago and this pic is from 3 months back. Whoopz
Seasons greetings 8 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Theres no way in hell tthat snmgfiehp is an anagram for Christmas
Walk into the abyss 15 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
He's a new superhero 7 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
This looks like Steam Powered Giraffe's Rabbit's pre-transition costume.
Cabbage 5 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
And like probably 80% of lesbians
*police sirens* 3 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Glad I'm not the only musical fan.
5 Years on Mars 2 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Yeah, but the hoomans who operate Curiosity sing happy birthday with him and bake a cake.
What a plot twist 3 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Plot twist, those are cat prints.
Chivalry 11 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Connor Murphy wrote this.
Something You Probably Didn't Know Yet 4 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
I learned this the fun way. Wore a red bandana scuba diving so my mom could keep track of me... It didn't work...
Goals 5 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
Aw, but he looks so happy to bring her those flowers! He looks like such a sweetheart. Also, those wild flowers are strong and independent just like the girl he's probably dating. If a girl brought me wildflowers before a date or at anytime really, I would be ecstatic.
I just noticed this brilliant pun 5 comments
lafayette · 7 years ago
And it would be even better if it was David Schwimmt directly translating to "David is swimming"
Royal Snek 6 comments
lafayette · 8 years ago
There are so many Hamilton jokes I could make but I choose this one, in honour of my username.
Oui, oui Mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette
The Lancelot of the revolutionary set.
I can from ad are just to say 'bonsoir'
Tell the King 'Casse Toi'
Who's the best? C'est moi.
The strongest thing on earth 11 comments
lafayette · 8 years ago
Its hard, but brittle. Think of diamond as super glue and steel as epoxy. If you glue 2 pieces of steel together w super glue and hit it off something, the glue will crack. If you do the same with epoxy, it has equal strength, its more likely to flexor epoxy can be melted, to be reshaped, unlike super glue. Science
Do you member? Good old times 12 comments
lafayette · 8 years ago
There was never a game. I've been to Chichen Itza and the hoops and murals are intact. The murals are mostly to scale including the fabled ball for the game. With the hight of. The hoops it is impossible to get the ball through no matter how you play, add on that the ball is too big to fit through the hoop? No game.
Truth 12 comments
lafayette · 8 years ago
Nope, still a prostitute. Did we watch the same movie?
Money do grow on trees 12 comments
lafayette · 8 years ago
Its linen. At least on the US