rektivism 83 comments
· 8 years ago
Can't believe the number of people condoning this shit. Do you all have such low self esteem that you feel the need to tear others down to make yourself feel better all in the name of ‘health’? Lots of people are fat despite their best efforts I used have a cleaning lady who was obese despite the fact that she subsisted almost entirely on a diet of vegetables because her family was too poor to afford meat and such and her job involved a lot of physical work. So take a second to think about other people maybe before you tear them down?
Captain Loki of Asgard 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Hahaha you guys should watch his interview with Graham Norton where he talks about his fans. He describes them (or rather us hehe) as 'sweet and mostly benign' and he got so flustered and lost for words it was adorable
No problems here 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Hahaha my school had this rule to always walk on left and someone went like won't the people going up and down run into each other then? And this girl got into Oxford I shit you not. I guess mornings get even the best of us
Edited 9 years ago
hte spaghetti 17 comments
Finding college soulmate 3 comments
Current mood 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank the good Lord its on a Sunday so I won't have to watch the couples in school acting all lovey dovey!
Very important question 10 comments
~Hello goodbye,I'm rather crazy~ 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Samee. There are so many things that I love like sports and singing and dancing but I suck at all of them
She has a fetish for boys who are home alone ;) 11 comments
Will knows his son is a tard 4 comments