

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
Here is some childhood memories 4 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
So much pain in one photo 47 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Pc. Internet downloads. Yissssss
I'm not even mad 17 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
That's a good thing tho
Good evening 5 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
"Three people died today at a minimart..." Yes, thank you, I totally needed to know that
Dive bomb triple kill 3 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Attack chopper waiting for orders
Really? 5 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I'm more interested in the fact that for the Russian language it says TATATATATA
Good Lord That's Adorable 7 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Those improvised names are awesome
This happens when a helicopter is in a sand storm 5 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Ooo, shiny
Haha 7 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Dey hav sew mch sweg
What's in my mind every time someone bashes gay marriage or atheism 17 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
But it's sooooo true
Hang in there! 16 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I vouche for this.
It's really insulting 2 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Just scratch where they cleaned themselves. They love it.
This cat has seen some weird stuff 4 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Nice house
When I hear someone use hashtags in public 11 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
That was awesome, but he rekt himself in the process.
"too ugly to cheat on you" 16 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I would do this, but my kinda gf lives 2000 miles away :C
hell yeah, noah! 16 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Love this movie! 8 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Warm Bodies
Love this movie! 8 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I own it. I just awesome, and I love the ending
IS HE OK??? 8 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Probs got his dick stuck in the jet.
Go mom! 23 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Instantlyme, I never said all mormons were bad. I said "some of them", so learn to read.
Go mom! 23 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I never said that these particular mormons were douche bags, but my family and I have had some bad experience with mormons. So I put up a front because of all the pain they caused to my grandfather. they kick gays out of their church onto the street and ostracize them. My grandfather was one of them. I played music at one of their weddings, and they didn't even say thank you. I was twelve. And then they have the audacity to put a blown up condom on the antenna of a Volkswagen beetle. some of them are really extreme with their religion too. They think that if you're not mormon, then you're some bad person. they look at me like a killed a baby. I live in Utah, and I'm surrounded by mormons. I get they're trying to do a good deed and all that stuff, but we had it handled.
Go mom! 23 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
I was helping my bro fix his door in his car and these mormons said, "would you like some help?" We obviously said no because they would try to convert us, and it's annoying. And I don't get it. My brother has a big ass knife on his side at all times cause he got threatened at his house. All the mormons I know personally have been friends, but some of them are real douche bags.
Whaaaaaaaaat 3 comments
lblazel · 9 years ago
Somethin's fucky