

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You're right, I did word that wrong, and I apologize.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
*in 2015
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Sargon of akkad on yt. 450 of 452 bombing attacks were committed by muslim extremists
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I believe the war point is right. Their religion dictates that they should strike down any and all "enemies" of Islam. That's how you get the statistic that 97% of Muslims commit suicide bombing attacks. They do that on the battlefield too. Metroplitan areas are no different to them.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Yes this is all good and stuff but when you take in people who have been in a war, and don't know how to act in the 1st world, they bring that war with them.
lblazel · 7 years ago
No one really pressures you to join the American military except your family (if the family has a strong military background) or a recruiter.
Why mary why !?!!!? 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
The one doc on the right throwing up XD
The white sands of New Mexico, taken by Jaxson Pohlman 2 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Totally wasnt photoshopped, that sky.
Ladies, is this true? 25 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Guys do it too
Can agree as an adult 15 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Only present I got was the one I bought for myself :P
The future is here 4 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
False. The fact that excavating the inside of a planet is that the planets shell would not stay intact. Furthermore, the planet having no core would cause the planet to drop of of earths orbit.
Don't mind the Iceberg. Had to got him ready for that burn 15 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You spelled bigots wrong.
Me trying to escape 2016 like 13 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
2016 tried to be cool, like this guy.
I need some help 33 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Not her mom. And plus all you guys were beating around the bush.
Soooo smooth 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
What a fucking legend.
I need some help 33 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
She got fucked. That's what happened.
Jackpot 9 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I'll take that shit totally happened for 1000
who let this happen 31: i swear to god 35 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Hear hear.
It's a small world 2 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
That's badass. "Deck the halls with lots of vc"
Story time 12 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Didn't laugh or even smile :/
How does he get so dirt?! 9 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
@zackboi Guy Martin is a professional superbike rider that competes in the Isle of Man TT and various other events if I'm not mistaken. He's dirty because engines are dirty. :)
What's your favorite? 7 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Bf1. And titanfall 2 if it were on there.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
lol People don't get that the plague thing is a joke?
Total opposite 7 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Yeah ok sure. Women don't care about nice cars.