

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
History bro 12 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
That's an American soldier.
What would you say ? 25 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
graffiti by a Japanese artist 17 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Endorsed by does not mean advocacy of.
When I hit the gym after not working out in a while 8 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Especially when running. The cramps...
A very down to earth and honest person. 11 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
It's because he knows that BLM is an excuse for black people to be racist and call for the death of cops.
Gimme..comic book style pants 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Reminds me of Borderlands...
One again, the time is dark but the memes are on point 7 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
For what? Letting the Ambassador in Benghazi die?
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Typical liberal logic. First guest gets called stupid for being stupid and then called anyone with an opinion different from them stupid.
Let's break this down 15 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
The fucks a fifth grader gonna do? And you can just dropkick the second graders.
One again, the time is dark but the memes are on point 7 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I Guess It's All In The Little Details 30 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Took me 2 seconds.
Trench coats can do wonders 38 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Bendylick Chuckersmash says fuck you.
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
It actually isn't because of the lower half of the picture. :)
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
My post is not a repost.
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Well then at that point she cares, if she's annoyed.
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You cared enough to write a comment. :)
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I didn't show your picture that you posted, and I have no control over your picture that you posted. You asked my opinion on the matter, and I gave it to you. I don't want to "make you look like an idiot"; I just want people who see this post to have some context. If you'd like to remove it, that is your will, and you can carry it out accordingly with or without my permission.
Cherry picked photo 40 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
naw keep it like this.... :)
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Yes, I've seen this. Sweden has taken in so many of them that their economy is in jeopardy.
How romantic! 5 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Trump will only deport illegal immigrants. Not an entire race.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
MINE IS TOO! Fucking loved that game. Killing the Nuke sub mission was my fave. A shame that Assault Horizon was shit and AC7 is on PS4 only :......c
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Yes Razgriz. People seem to forget that. HEY, is your name from Ace Combat 5?
Perspective 3 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
And it's all about filters too, apperantly.
Hmmm.... I don't know 48 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
@Themuffinmanishigh yes it actually does "fucking say that." It says that killing is wrong UNLESS you die in doing so. Martyrdom. When you die in killing "the enemies of Islam", all sin is stripped away. That's why ISIS rape and kill people. Because when they die, all sin is stripped away. They are promised 72 virgin's and a garden in paradise or some shit. Very simple yet horrible concept. And also the majority of Muslims in Palestine and other places think its ok to kill someone by suicide bombing because of the "reward" they get.