

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
*smashes button* 8 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You end world poverty, you end world hunger.
Emergency 5 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
That's probably the most cardio they've ever done in their life ecks deeeee
Oh, hello there 8 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
It's like the dog is wearing a ghillie suit
That's news 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
*Ahem* CNN *cough*
raised in the ghecko 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
It's not a gecko though.
raised in the ghecko 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Title not valid. That's a baby bearded dragon
Sushi birb 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Day 15 of your daily dose of cat : Pancakes 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Wilson is the cutest name
Definitely true 13 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I can do it in ten
Beautiful or terrifying? 8 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I saw this on the grand tour special
Day old donuts, packaged salads, prepared pastas, bread, and much more 18 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Oh so it's bad that I am employed?
Day old donuts, packaged salads, prepared pastas, bread, and much more 18 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Or you could learn how to budget your money.
This is what our world has come to 35 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
These snowflakes walking out dumber than when they walked in.
This is what our world has come to 35 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Who the fuck has has polio anyways?
Can anybody relate? 8 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
There comes a point where you are tired of being shy and awkward and say "fuck it". You will surprise yourself
No thanks 20 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
As long as she doesn't listen to country. But she probably does :/
Nailed it 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
At the time I saw this, it had 666 likes...
I don't know who's to blame, but the fact is that people just aren't happy 27 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You're right, that was poor word choice on my part. But there are a lot of special snowflakes, especially in the US.
I don't know who's to blame, but the fact is that people just aren't happy 27 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I'm 17. How old are you?
I don't know who's to blame, but the fact is that people just aren't happy 27 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
A lot of them complain when they don't get their way. And do you have an example of them actually solving, not just dealing, with "real problems?"
I don't know who's to blame, but the fact is that people just aren't happy 27 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
But that was because of outstanding circumstances, like their best friends dying. Mellenials these days cry about them being called the wrong fuckin pronoun. It's disgraceful
I don't know who's to blame, but the fact is that people just aren't happy 27 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I also dropped of for similar reasons. @sincere_milkshake
Some wise words 4 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I apologize for being an asshole. I know that I'm one.
Classic 3 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Dude made the mistake of staying in the same spot. Gotta gtfo man