

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
Moe Szyslak 6 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
So you don't get arrested.
Get yo'self some damn perspective 16 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
I bet the person who made this "meme" doesn't do shit to help the environment.
Are you Sid? 5 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Anyone else read those lines in his voice?
F U C K Y E E E E 22 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
@isuck479 The US is the world police whether you like it or not. When shit happens, who does the world turn to? The US.
How it feels like 2 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Or when you change the tp. "Speed reload!"
You're rad ! 15 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
If you're obese, you're not "rad".
Be Fair 72 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
The majority of muslims support sharia law and ISIS. But yeah let them in, it's working out great for Europe atm.
Be Fair 72 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Right, because it's working so well for Europe.
Pretty sure this is unpopular 25 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
You used to be cool man 16 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Cause you guys get really offended really quick. Like you right now.
You used to be cool man 16 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
One word. "Liberals"
Doing their part 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Thank you.
Doing their part 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Are you ok? Need a hug?
Doing their part 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Then why did you put "FFS USA" after?
Doing their part 14 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
"Hurr Durr Trump wants to nuke the world"
Mouses Movements After 2.5 hours of Gaming 16 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Animals are getting so smart
There are no consequences 4 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
"I'm like Hillary Clinton" would have been a better burn. But idk when this was made so...
Just how? 47 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Fucking Christ, this post was two years ago.
Nice work, marines 4 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Can't wait to join
Why aren't we funding this 11 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
If it's a product, than somebody is...
Better decide quick 20 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
This whole comment section is just people screaming "NO IM RIGHT AND YOURE WRONG!" at each other.
That would be soooo nice 11 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Fuck off, guest. He's the president of the United States now, just accept it.
That would be soooo nice 11 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
No, it needs to commit suicide.
Johnny t 42 comments
lblazel · 7 years ago
Guest doesn't remember 9/11. Or any event before that. What a fucking disgrace.