"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race
It's True Though 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Tryna make up for that lack of energy XD
Like a wizard 4 comments
I wonder how many of you there are 25 comments
· 7 years ago
It's a joke. I was exemplifying "loud mouthed posturing." And you put a lot of effort into that reply.
I can't trust them anymore 32 comments
I can't trust them anymore 32 comments
I can't trust them anymore 32 comments
· 7 years ago
It's even still a disgrace that women can now kill babies just because it's convenient for them.
CNN at his finest 73 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes but HOW is he abusing his power? Do you know what happened when he met with those foreign officials? And I'm pretty sure that article of the Constitution refers to the US stealing things of value, not making deals or accepting gifts. CNN is just a business. They only operate for ratings and money. He's not banning Muslims. It's not even a ban. He tried to put a HIATUS on travel from TERRORIST HOTBEDS. He wasn't trying to ban ALL Muslims. He's trying to keep the US safe from terrorism, and that's part of his job. Is that so bad? But yeah keep letting in all those "refugees" who've increased your rape statistics to first in the world (1472% increase since you've started letting "refugees" into Sweden) according to the UN and who've also created 55 no go zones where Sharia Law rules your land.
Edited 7 years ago
CNN at his finest 73 comments
· 7 years ago
1. While accusing a former president of wiretapping might be outlandish, it does not constitute grounds for impeachment.
2. He's literally just running his business.
3. Trump's "ban", which was actually Obama's list of terrorist hotbeds, does not prohibit Muslims who are already in country to practice their religion. And the other billion Muslims can still get in. He just wanted to put a hiatus on travel from those countries to create a better vetting process while reducing risk from terror attack.
4. Trump wants honest coverage, not favorable coverage. The only news outlet he has not let in is CNN because they slander him.
5. Russia? Really? There's no evidence. Even CNN doesn't believe what CNN is saying. Another reason for why he doesn't want them in his press conferences.
EDIT: Also, the writer was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration and lives in Calfornia. It's obvious that he's butthurt about Hillary losing and looking for every opportunity to bash the president.
Edited 7 years ago
2. He's literally just running his business.
3. Trump's "ban", which was actually Obama's list of terrorist hotbeds, does not prohibit Muslims who are already in country to practice their religion. And the other billion Muslims can still get in. He just wanted to put a hiatus on travel from those countries to create a better vetting process while reducing risk from terror attack.
4. Trump wants honest coverage, not favorable coverage. The only news outlet he has not let in is CNN because they slander him.
5. Russia? Really? There's no evidence. Even CNN doesn't believe what CNN is saying. Another reason for why he doesn't want them in his press conferences.
EDIT: Also, the writer was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration and lives in Calfornia. It's obvious that he's butthurt about Hillary losing and looking for every opportunity to bash the president.
CNN at his finest 73 comments
· 7 years ago
There's no grounds. Nancy Pelosi, the queen of Democratic congress said herself there's nothing. But help me interpret. On what grounds is Trump susceptible to impeachment?
CNN at his finest 73 comments
· 7 years ago
So we should just forego the democratic system? Is that what you're suggesting?
I can't trust them anymore 32 comments
CNN at his finest 73 comments
Let's bring back that word 8 comments
Nicole Kidman speaking the truth 4 comments
· 7 years ago
This is what Hollywood does. Anyone who disagrees with their opinions are cast out, no matter how talented you are.