

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like" -Queen, Bicycle Race

— Blaez Report User
Talk dirty to me 21 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
The full cartridge is 30×173 mm, so 173mm is the length and 30mm is the diameter. IE Big fucking round.
A town in Iceland painted a 3-D crosswalk for drivers to notice it more 2 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Plot twist: Pedestrians J walk right next to crosswalk.
Free solo 11 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Correction: You die.
Accurate 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
We need ES6
A class act 11 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Kill bodies.
A class act 11 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Cause that's all airmen do; sit on their ass and play videogames.
This girl deserves the advantage 9 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
That's a dude with long hair.
O Johnny, you rascal 2 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
That's the purest form of denial I've ever seen.
Oops 7 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Every rpg game 14 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
I concur.
Is this true? 7 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Well it's kinda true since girls hit puberty first.
***Magic 8 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Ey, you gotta get your protein in for the day.
Always take threats seriously.  PSA 5 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
They're magazines, dumbass.
Proper Saloon Attire for Parents 2 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Screening results 4 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
So you'd rather have no screening and potentially have a couple hundred terrorists walk through the fucking door? Because if that happens then our shit media is gonna tell the whole world and they're gonna say, "Oh, remember Iraq and Afghanistan? Let's go bomb America!" No screening has already lead to multiple terrorist attacks in Europe, so if having no balls means keeping people safe, then fucking castrate me.
As she lay, Crippled from love's fangs...Betrayal 6 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
In the aaaaarms oooof an aaangel....
The pulsing of Earth's winters 13 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
I like how the greenery moves as well.
Made me lel hard 50 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
You're talking about conservatism that is from the start of Islam, not American conservatism, so of course no one gets the connection because there isn't one. Try again.
Made me lel hard 50 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
What part of that was a joke?
Guy nails every accent 4 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
He didn't do Asain. disAPPOINTED!!!
New currency 6 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Sir, you mean 'dollas'. Uncultured swine.
Made me lel hard 50 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
Make her.
Specks of paint 4 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
This a beach; tf u mean?
A powerful typhoon in Hong Kong 3 comments
lblazel · 6 years ago
This is sped up.