14 year old girl living in Australia, struggling to fit in and survive high school.— LeBatman Report User
This is the most accurate gif in the history of gifs for the Fangirls 6 comments
· 10 years ago
My favourite band: 5 seconds of summer, are doing a concert tonight, but they chose a tiny venue so not many tickets were available. I didn't get tickets and this is me right now but I'm in a pool of my own tears
Hands-Free bathroom 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I get my leg up and hook it through the door handle and then pull, or if there's paper towels I grab one, wrap it around the door handle and open it with that, then chuck it behind the door :3
We finally found something everyone else agrees with us about 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, I can confirm that England and Australia say d/m/y not m/d/y, so I wouldn't say that no body says it
Edited 10 years ago
Spiderman 26 comments
Friendship is magic 18 comments
Friendship is magic 18 comments